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Will one kiss steal her heart? Stolen Valentine Kiss by @StellaEA #Giveaway

Stolen Valentine Kiss by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Publication Date: Feb 1st 2014
ISBN/EAN 13: 1495237931/9781495237935 (Paperback)
Genre / Categories: Fiction/Romance/Contemporary/Interracial/Multicultural

One broken heart. Two grieving minds.

To Lorna Ibe, Departmental Manager with one of London's multi-channel retailers, Valentine's Day lost its romantic flavour years ago. An unplanned holiday to New Jersey is her perfect getaway from the stress and emotional turmoil locked in her heart, just what she needs to take her mind off her troubles. That's until she runs into Logan.

Magazine publisher, Logan Blake has had his fair share of stress in the past few years. When his sister asks him to drop off old clothes to charity, he has a minor accident in front of the charity shop where Lorna volunteers. When he sets eyes on her bare midriff as she wipes the display window, he clears his busy schedule to volunteer his time. Two burdened hearts afraid to get entwined.

One Stolen Valentine Kiss. Will Valentine season bring them romance or will their fears keep them apart?

Sucking in air, she faced him. ''Don't make me send you home for bad behaviour, Logan Blake.''
He chuckled. ''Have dinner with me tonight, Lorna.''
Her heart frog jumped. ''You're joking right?''
He shrugged, grinning at her, thawing her tough as leather heart pouch. ''I can take you home for you to get changed.''

Too stunned at his invitation, she carried on with work. ''We've got to check the paper roll and ribbon, so that when we print receipt...'' With one hand on top of hers, Logan forced her to stare at him. ''I need an answer.'' Unbelievable warmth surged through her arms, flowed unstopped to her heart, washing away years of grief...making her eyes fly at half mast and her heart hammer within her chest wall.

His arched eyebrows and his enticing clear blue eyes captured her senses, holding her still. Her mouth opened, no words came out. She gulped air.
Very slowly, his head descended. Will he kiss her? Should she allow him? Reasonable questions raced through her stumbling mind.
Stop him, her head sang.
Taste him before you decide, her heart cried out.

Logan Blake

When her knees hit the edge of the wooden table housing the till, she walked free. ''No...I can't. My Aunt is expecting me for dinner.'' She excused, rushing to the kitchenette.
Following closely behind, he suggested, ''Dine with me tomorrow, please?''
Halting her getaway, she faced him. ''Why? I'm not interested in starting a relationship.'' With stiff movements, she made coffee for two.
''Who said anything about a relationship?'' he frowned, his tone turning harsh. ''I'm too busy to engage in a relationship. You interest me. It's only dinner, Lorna.'' She saluted.

''That's reassuring. After dinner, your interest in me will wane and we can concentrate on working together instead of dinning out?''
''Is that a yes?'' he entreated, sipping from his mug.
''Shouldn't you be taking your girlfriend out to dinner?'' his mouth grew compact as he swallowed his drink. ''Leave out the girlfriend bit. We're only going to chat, eat and drink.''

''Aren't you worried she'll come up to us and throw a tantrum? I don't do scenes well. They freak me out.''
''If I had one, then I'll be worried.''
Should she believe him? ''One more question, is there any reason you're still single?''
One hand in his pocket, his eyes searched hers. ''Did I say I was single?'' her hands flew to his fingers. No rings.
''Married?'' she quizzed, her head whirling fast.
''Never been married. Not ready. Don't ask when I'll be ready. Any more question, I'll freak out! Save your questions for dinner.''

I am Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku, a fun loving mother of two, married to my very own gorgeous alpha male. I recently 'retired' from an eighteen stint working as a Quality Assurance Manager. Writing romance novels is an exciting adventure.

In 2010, I created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels. There are six contemporary romance novels in the kitty, varying from sweet & sensual to spicy hot & steamy - LOITERING SHADOWS, STORMY DEFENSE, BEYOND the LADY, THE GARDNER'S ICE MAIDEN, SPARKLING DAWN and HUSBAND to RENT. STOLEN VALENTINE KISS is my first series and my first Novella.

On my writing desk at the moment, my first historical romance, a trilogy is taking shape. A daunting challenge I must confess, but I love the characters and their journey so far. In my leisure time, I go swimming, read romance novels, go to Cinema, and watch TV.
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