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The best laid plans. A Vampire's Tale Birthday Bash #PNR @mayatylerauthor

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Praise for A Vampire’s Tale:

“…I have truly enjoyed reading Corgan and Marisa’s story. I loved all the new twist that the author created for the way vampires live and the magic things they are capable of doing. A Vampire’s Tale puts a whole new twist on vampires. I would recommend A Vampire’s Tale to anyone who loves reading about vampires.
-- The Avid Reader

“… A Vampire’s Tale is a unique type of romance. It is essentially a slow burn for most of the story, a deep and progressive tale of love between our intrepid heroine Marisa and the enigmatic vampire Corgan.
For me this book was reminiscent of Interview with a Vampire, a tiny smidge of Misery (you’ll get the reference once you read it), a little bit Twilight mixed with a whole lot of originality, romance and drama, with the intimate scenes being softer and more fade to black than vampire books often portray…”
-- Emerald Book Reviews

“… This novel is a paranormal romance unlike any other I have read before. I must confess I was a little worried about the writer-vampire relationship. Probably because I thought the romance will be a little cheesy and not too much action or plot development into it, but I am glad I was wrong. The story ended up being a sweet and heartwarming romance mixed with a good enough dose of action and mystery.
This book is quite a specimen because it's worth isn't just in the romance development but in the stories behind our hero and heorine. I highly recommend this novel to those searching for something much fulfilling, interesting and enchanting than your typical romance…”
-- Two Girls Book Reviews


… My heroine Marisa faces two would-be assailants before my hero Corgan valiantly swoops in and saves her …

Lost in thought, the last half of her coffee had grown cold, and she didn’t want more, anyway. The coffee shop was deserted except for the lone attendant. It must be later than she realized. Her stomach churned, and something akin to fear gripped her. She had the strangest notion she had to go home. Now.

Leaving the mug on the table, she walked out of the restaurant without a second glance. Her step quickened as she heard frightening sounds in the darkness. Almost home. She sighed.

Two strange men, with dark hoodies concealing their faces, stepped out of the shadows.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry, pretty lady?”

She ignored the speaker and continued walking.

“Hey, we're talking to you.”

The largest man of the duo blocked her path while the other grabbed her by the back of her neck and yanked her into the alley.

Every fiber of her being wanted to flee. “Let go of me,” Marisa demanded.

“Not until we've had some fun.”

She tensed and clenched her fists. “Maybe you didn't hear me clearly before, asshole. I said let go!”

The man in front of her pulled out a knife, the metal reflecting in the dim light of the moon.

Heart racing, she struggled against her attacker, trying to kick her way free.

“The lady doesn't want to play tonight, fellas. I suggest you find a new friend.”

The man behind her released his grip, and the two thugs inched away from her. “Hey, man. We didn't mean any harm.”

Corgan stepped in front of her and waved his hand in the air. “You were never here. You never saw me. If you ever see this lady again, you will run away from her and won't know why. Am I clear?”

They nodded blankly.

“Then go, before I change my mind.”

Marisa fell into Corgan’s arms as her would-be assailants dashed down the street. Sobs racked her as she shivered uncontrollably. “You saved me.”

“I should've been here sooner.” Holding her tightly, he stroked her hair. “Nothing will ever harm you again.”

Surrounded by the safety of his strong arms, she had complete faith in him. She leaned into his embrace and sighed.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.


“Hold on.”

He scooped her up in his arms and floated into the air. His black cape swirled around him as they rose higher. Then they soared over the city, high above the buildings.

“Wow. I had no idea.” As he flew through a wet cloud, she snuggled closer. “Don't drop me, okay?”

He chuckled, a deep and throaty sound, as if she amused him. “I'll try not to, little one.”

“Well, try hard, mister. I'm too pretty to fall from the sky and smash on the sidewalk.”

“Yes, it would be a shame to mar your pretty face.”

Returning below the clouds, he lowered them onto a curved, marble balcony. With a wave of his hand, the double French doors swung open. Light from many flickering candles illuminated the room.

“Where are we?”

“My place.”

Author Bio:

Maya Tyler, wife and mother of two boys, writes paranormal romance with a twist. Her debut novella Dream Hunter was released in December 2014. Her second novel A Vampire’s Tale released on March 22, 2017. She’s a romantic and believes in happily-ever-after. Being an author is her lifelong dream. She enjoys reading, music (alternative rock, especially from the 90’s), yoga, movies and TV, and spending her free time writing and blogging at Maya’s Musings.

Book blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

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