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#TeaserTuesday + Opening Paragraph An Executive Decision by Grace Marshall

Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading and First Chapter, First Paragraph hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea.

Sorry I've been MIA for a few weeks. I've just had some massive deadlines with my day job that has kept me off reading as much as I would usually love. Anyway, I'm back now and I look forward to catching up with you all and finding out what you're reading.

This week, I'm reading An Executive Decision by Grace Marshall. This is part of a trilogy and the first 2 books are currently at 99cents so I downloaded all 3. I've only just started reading it. But so far so good.

Here's the opener:

Dee gave herself one last inspection in the mirrored walls of the elevator. No tell-tale trembling or sweating; the stage fright was all hidden beneath a well-polished exterior. How could she be this tense? She'd been in business with the big boys long enough to have nerves of steel. But this was Ellison Thorne she was meeting. The man was in a league of his own. She'd waited three years for this opportunity, and she was determined he wouldn't see the mass of quavering jelly beneath the calm.

Here's a teaser:

‘Honestly, you’re hopeless, Dee Henning. I understand your focus, your drive to succeed, really I do, but I gotta wonder how you can even call it success when you’re so wrapped up in your work that the only way you’ll ever get laid is if they put it in the job description.'

Here's the blurb:

Sex in the contract – it’s the only way super-focused, over-worked CEO, Ellison Thorne, is ever going to get laid. That’s what his retiring business partner and secret match-maker, Beverly Neumann, thinks. She’s convinced no-strings, stress-free sex in certain employee contracts would raise productivity and minimize stress — perfect for a busy executive like Ellis. But she’s joking, right?

Enter her hand-picked replacement, Dee Henning. Young, hungry, gifted, Dee is the queen of no time for sex. When negotiations on a major project break down, and Dee and Ellis end up in each other’s arms, the Executive Sex Clause suddenly becomes more than a joke. In fact hot executive sex just might be the ultimate secret weapon for success. But secrets seldom remain secret, and Dee and Ellis soon learn there’s no such thing as no-strings where the heart is concerned.
Available from Amazon and other retailers.

Leave me a comment and I'll return your visit shortly.
Off to check out the openers and teasers this week. Thanks for stopping by.

Maya xx

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Teaser Tuesday


  1. Ah, this one sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. And enjoy!

  2. Interesting premise. Enjoy it and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Sounds interesting, but probably not one I'd read. Reminds me a bit of Sylvia's Day's books ...

  4. Sounds interesting. I hope you are enjoying it. This week my teasers come from The Quick by Lauren Owen and Dark Metropolis by Jaclyn Dolamore. I go from Victorian Vampires to futuristic zombies. Happy reading!

  5. Sounds interesting! And I think everyone can relate to the intro, having to reign in all the nerves to make a good impression! The only thing I worry about is that getting laid shouldn't be seen as having success, you can still do well without! Thanks for sharing :)
    My Intro
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  6. Not sure about this one. Hope you are enjoying it, though!
    Today I'm featuring The Vacationers by Emma Straub.

  7. How fun! I hope this one turns out to be good. It sounds like it could be.

  8. I laughed at your Teaser. What an original idea for a plot! Sounds like an entertaining (and sexy) story.
    My Teaser is from LEAN ON ME.

  9. It sounds like it might be a fun book. I hope it works for you.

  10. This sounds good to me!!

    Here is my POST.

  11. I'm not sure this is for me, but hope you enjoy it!

    Here's Mine: http://www.sarahsbookshelves.com/fiction/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday-intros-three-sarah-lotz/

  12. Oh boy.

    Mine this week is from classic Zane Grey western “Riders of the Purple Sage”: http://pdworkman.com/excerpt-from-riders-of-the-purple-sage-teasertuesday/

  13. Wow, that looks like a hell of a book, thanks for sharing!
    Here's mine: http://darkfrannysthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/teaser-tuesday-27.html

  14. I like the intro. Sounds like a great read. Hope the rest is as good. enjoy

  15. I know that feeling. This sounds like she's in for some surprises. Here's Mine

  16. Interesting and almost complicated.


Leave a comment and I will return the visit.
Have a nice day.

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