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He will battle for her heart-The Laird by @GraceBurrowes #historical #giveaway

Book Information

Book: The Laird
Author: Grace Burrowes
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Genre: Historical Romance


He left his bride to go to war...

After years of soldiering, Michael Brodie returns to his Highland estate to find that the bride he left behind has become a stranger. Brenna is self-sufficient, competent, confident-and furious. Despite her anger at Michael's prolonged absence, Brenna has remained loyal to her husband, though Michael's people, and most especially the uncle who held the estate together for him, make it clear they expect Michael to set Brenna aside.

Though his most important battle will be for her heart.

Michael left Brenna when she needed him most, and then stayed away even after the war ended. Nonetheless, the young man who abandoned her has come home a wiser, more patient and honorable husband. Brenna is hurt, bewildered, and tired of fighting for the respect of those around her, but if she trusts Michael with the truths she'd been guarding, he'll have to choose between his wife and everything he holds dear.

Sometime after she’d fallen exhausted into her bed, Brenna felt the mattress dip and shift. A pleasant whiff of vetiver, whiskey—and meadow grass?—came to her as her husband arranged himself two feet to her left.

The next sound was harder to decipher, but she managed—the soles of two big male feet rubbing together, the bedtime equivalent of shaking the dust of the day from one’s feet, a small safeguard in the direction of keeping the sheets clean if conducted with those feet hanging over the side of the bed.

Michael punched his pillows next, several stout blows that would have knocked wayward notions from grown men.

“Are you trying to wake me up, Husband?”

The punching stopped, and she felt him flop down onto the mattress—and heard the put-upon male sigh with which he tucked himself in.

“You did not lock the door, Brenna. My things are in this room.”

So was his wife.

“Neither one of us wants talk.” The bed was huge, and they weren’t touching, but Brenna could feel her husband thinking.

“I did not want you to conclude I was sneaking up on you.”

“You’re hard to miss when encountered in a bed, Michael. Go to sleep. Morning comes quickly.” And yet, she was pleased the pillows had taken a few warning shots on her behalf.

“You want time.”

“I want a good night’s sleep.” Though she should have anticipated that, like any man, Michael would want to beat a topic to death once broached. He could not ponder a discussion and undertake it in manageable portions; he must have done with it, regardless of the hour.

“I want time, too, Brenna Maureen.”

Brenna rolled to her side, wishing she’d left a candle burning, despite the extravagance. “Time for what?”

“I was a good soldier, once I saw what was expected of me. It’s part of the reason I went to France. I was to look after my men, the same as a laird looks after his people. When I went to France, it was much the same, though I was in a garrison with soldiers of a different nationality. We looked after one another, most of the time, and when a man lapsed in that duty, he suffered consequences.”

What was he saying, and why must he say it to her in pitch darkness?

“If I were planning to run off, Michael Brodie, I would have scarpered long since. Many and many a family has left the Highlands, including entire branches of clan MacLogan. I could easily have gone with them.” Though her own clansmen had hardly recalled where they’d stashed her, once she’d come to live at Castle Brodie.

A considering pause ensued, and then Brenna felt a single, callused finger trace down the side of her jaw.

“You might have left, but you stayed. I’m glad you stayed.”

Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/1lG2f9q

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Grace Burrowes' bestsellers include The Heir, The Soldier, Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal, Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish and Lady Eve's Indiscretion. Her Regency romances have received extensive praise, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Grace is branching out into short stories and Scotland-set Victorian romance with Sourcebooks. She is a practicing family law attorney and lives in rural Maryland.

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The Laird


  1. Awesome giveaway.

  2. Great giveaway.
    I enjoyed the first few chapters of this book on the website.
    Curious how this couple will reconnect after spending so much time apart .

  3. Would love to meet Sebastian.


  5. Can't wait to read The Laird! So I pick Michael Brodie! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I enjoy anything she writes and I'm sure this is no exception! And give me any of her heroes!

  8. I think meeting Sebastian would be great =)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. All your heroes are great! let's go with Sebastian.

  11. I would take any. Grace writes such great heroes

  12. Thanks for the chance to win. Love Grace Burrowes. Would like to meet Sebastian.

  13. I've always liked Dukes!

  14. Been waiting on Michael! Brenna looks formidable....looks like a wonderful stand off....

  15. It would definitely be the brawny highlander Michael Brodie from THE LAIRD!!

  16. this looks to be another amazing series!

  17. I would take any one of them, I'm not fussy.

  18. it would have to be Michael Brodie

  19. All three ;-) If I have to choose though - Christian, Duke of Mercia.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Love period pieces, especially ones set in the Highlands, so given the chance I'd love to meet Michael Brodie

  22. I do love a man in a kilt and thank goodness Grace writes about them with such flair and passion. I take it for granted that this newest one will be as good as the previous two in this series...and others before it. Thanks for the post. jdh2690@gmail.com

  23. Tough choice but I'll take the "traitor" as he has more to lose! However, any of them would be welcome too!

  24. great excerpt - i would choose brawny highlander Michael Brodie from THE LAIRD? I like the name

  25. I love contests. I really like the authors books. Looking forward to reading the next one.Good luck everyone.

  26. I love a man in a kilt, great contest,

    My first attempt didn't publish so sorry if you get two

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I love the first two books of this trilogy by Grace Burrowes and can't wait to read the third.
    Thanks Grace for the opportunity to win.

  29. It would have to be the Highlander! Love listening to a Scots accent!

  30. I can't wait to read these!!

  31. I'd like to meet the reformed 'Traitor Baron' Sebastian St. Clair from THE TRAITOR because he seems to be such a complex and interesting character.

  32. I think it would have to be Michael Brodie.

  33. Thank you for a chance to win. I would love to win those books.

  34. I can not wait to read this book!! I have the first two books, but am waiting for this one before I dive in! I love Grace Burrowes' books!! She never disappoints!

  35. I'd love to meet The Laird, Michael. Who can resist a man in a kilt? LOL! Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. Can't wait to meet Michael Brodie. Have heard a lot about him from his siblings!

  37. I love love love historical romances esp Scottish ones. I would love to win <3

  38. Oh wow. Incredibly tough choice! I *think* Michael wins out only because they are all great but he's the only one with that sexy Scottish burr!

  39. I'd like to meet Christian, please!

  40. Are you arranging these meetings, somehow, Grace? LOL

  41. April Greene Siggal26 August 2014 at 01:03

    I would like to meet all of them!!!

  42. I'd love to meet brawny highlander Michael Brodie!! love those Highlanders!!


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