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#TeaserTuesday + Opening Paragraph: Island Bound by @KiruTaye #diversifyyourshelves

Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading and Tuesday Intros hosted by Diane at Bibilophile by the Sea.

I'm away in sunny Africa and this week, I thought I should share one of the books I've been reading also set in Africa, Island Bound by +Kiru Taye, Author 

Here's the opener:

Joshua Inemi-Spiff waited outside, ready to confront his future. The late afternoon December sun kissed his back with heat rays. On reflex, he rolled his shoulders and massaged his neck with his right hand.
To pace the paved driveway was madness when he had a sleek, cool car parked meters away. Or even better, an air-conditioned office with piles of work waiting for his attention.
Yet, he endured the sweat-inducing temperature, the seasonal cooling harmattan winds from the Sahara playing elusive. The raison d’être? An envelope and its alarming contents. A simple correspondence, black ink on off-white,
letter-headed paper. Words typed out by an efficient legal clerk. Effective.

Here's the teaser:

“I’m only a man trying to do the best for the people I care about, be it the business or our family. So I get it wrong sometimes.” He lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “I wasn’t trying to be a hero.”
~ page 45, pdf, Island Bound by Kiru Taye

Here's the blurb:
When Christy Inemi-Spiff discovers that the man she vowed to love and honor has no such feelings for her, she’s determined to cut her losses and move on with her life. A quick, quiet divorce is all she wishes for Christmas.

However, Joshua has other ideas. He’s not ready to walk away yet, especially when he doesn’t understand why Christy wants out of their marriage. So he demands she agree to spend a quiet Christmas on a remote African Island with him, hoping they can salvage their relationship. If she still wants a divorce after these two weeks, he will let her go. But not before he’s had his fill of her.

But with the sparking tension between them, and the secrets behind the disintegration of their marriage threatening to explode, will either of them get their wish? Or will this season of good will show them what really lies at the bottom of their hearts?

My Thoughts:

This book really spoke to me. It made me smile and also brought tears to my eyes in place. For anyone who has been through a relationship break up, you will understand the gamut of emotions this couple go through. I love the way the authors works through all of that and their issues. This story is passionate and honest and I totally loved it.

What about you? Would you read on? Leave me a comment and share what you are reading this week.

Enjoy your day.
Maya xx

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Teaser Tuesday


  1. Not my usual kind of book, but I do like the setting! Glad you enjoyed this one.

  2. I like the sound of this one. Thanks for sharing it and for visiting my blog.

    1. You're welcome, Catherine. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. The opening definitely builds the suspense, so now I want to know more. Would definitely keep reading! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. This sounds really good. Enjoy!

  5. Interesting setting and a bit of intrigue there...thanks for sharing!

  6. I like the unusual setting, and I'm curious about the mistakes made by the man in your Teaser. I'd definitely read more after that opening. Sounds like a good story.
    My Teaser is from KATIE & THE IRISH TEXAN.

  7. Not sure if this would be for me, but I do enjoy the couple on the cover.Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  8. The opening paragraph didn't grab me immediately. I'd need to read a few more pages before deciding. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  9. A beautiful cover and story.

  10. It sounds like a powerful story. I would keep reading.

  11. Have a great time and enjoy your reads.

  12. It's a decent intro, just mot my genre. glad u liked it maya

  13. Cool teaser, Maya, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. He sounds like a hero to me(:

    And diversifybooks sounds like a great thing! Wish I found out about it sooner ><

    Thanks for having stopped my blog!

  15. Oh yes, it really catches my interest.


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Have a nice day.

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George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons