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Can she give him another chance? Casualties of Falling @Les_Stephens #Giveaway

Title: Casualties of Falling 
Author: Leslie Stephens
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 27, 2015

Most people wouldn't consider giving someone a second or a third chance. It’s just not worth the consequences. But what if you couldn't convince yourself, or your heart, that he’s not deserving of a second or third chance, no matter how much he has hurt you.

Life is about taking risks and making choices.

Jillian Reynolds knows all about what happens when you take risks with your heart. It can go terribly wrong. It can hurt. Love hurts. But that is in her past and she is ready to put it behind her.

Cord Jackson made a big mistake, one he regrets deeply. He only wishes she would understand that sometimes we make the wrong choices with the best intentions while trying to protect someone we love. He did love her. He still does love her. Every one of us make mistakes and that can lead to hurting people we love, no matter how hard we try not to. He still wants to protect her, but at what cost? 

Can she give him another chance?
What will win out? The head or the heart?
Will history repeat itself in the worst possible way?

Will Jillian once again be a casualty of what the heart wants?

Leslie Stephens is a former executive who walked away from corporate America to pursue a passion for writing. After endless hours of reading Contemporary Romance and Erotica novels, Leslie wrote and published her debut novel in June, 2014. 

In between writing sessions, Leslie transports her two children to their various activities. She can usually be found at the baseball diamond cheering on her favorite 2nd baseman or a high school gymnasium doing hair and make-up for her darling baton twirler.


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Leslie Stephens

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