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A firefighter and single dad, Clayton is trying hard to fix his past mistakes @KwanaWrites #AARomance

True to its name, the small southern town of Sugar Lake is a sweet place to visit—and you might even want to live there . . .
With her big-city career and relationship in sudden free fall, Olivia Gale isn’t sure where she belongs. So when her help is needed at Goode ʼN Sweet, the family bakery in Sugar Lake, she jumps at the chance to indulge her pie-making hobby while getting her life back on track. Olivia’s not looking for any distractions. Even if the boy who once left her without a word is now a grown man with intriguing secrets—and the same tempting hold on her heart . . .
A firefighter and single dad, Clayton Morris is trying hard to fix his past mistakes. He thought he was doing the right thing by leaving Olivia—and now he’s sure he has nothing to offer the accomplished woman she’s become. But ignoring the sparks between them is impossible. And as unexpected surprises and hard choices endanger their fragile reunion, they’ll have to decide which direction to take if they want to find the road back to love . . .
The word dripped from his lips like syrup and decadence. But Liv wasn’t buying it, and she narrowed her eyes, giving him an intense stare. He laughed. “No, I’m just joking. It’s honey. I’ve got your aunt’s usual order of honey.”
Liv raised a brow. Honey? She knew he meant that he had honey in his bag because, yes, she remembered that Aunt Joyce said that he had some sort of organic honey-farming deal going on. Something else to add to his cachet of ridiculous perfectness, even if it was a bit odd. Come on. In order to get honey, one had to deal with bees.
Obviously, Aunt Joyce thought Clayton was laying it on a little thick too, because she chimed in. “Cut the flirting now, Clayton Morris, and quit teasing my niece. I’d like my order today.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Clayton said as he shot one last grin Liv’s way before heading down the counter to Aunt Joyce.
Liv watched as Clayton pulled the amber jars of honey out of his bag, holding them up to the light that filtered in from the side windows. She enjoyed seeing the pride on his face as he tilted the jar left and right. He opened it with his long-tapered fingers as Aunt Joyce got a couple of her biscuits and brought out a spoon and knife from behind the counter. “You girls come on over here and taste this. I promise you you’ve never tasted anything like Clayton’s honey.”
Liv fought to keep her countenance placid as she walked over toward the rest, purposely taking a spot on the other side of the counter as far as she could get from Clayton.
Aunt Joyce cut a couple of biscuits in half and spread a bit of the honey over the top. “Now, I’ve used some honey from Lowers in the past, and it’s all right, but I tell you, after you try Clayton’s, you’ll see why I had to give up on Lowers, which has made him right mad. But I had to do what I had to do.” She gave Clayton a smile that was full of pride. “This boy here’s got something special. And it has taken my honey biscuits to a new stratosphere.”
She handed a honeyed biscuit to Drea, who took a bite and hummed her appreciation. “Wow, this really is good,” Drea said, wide-eyed. “You’ve got something here. You take this to New York and you could make a mint.”
Clayton laughed. “I don’t think my small hive of bees could handle the pace of New York. Thanks. I’m good with what I’ve got here in town and the small surrounding areas. I do well enough,” he said, giving a look to Liv, who couldn’t help eyeing the biscuits suspiciously. She was sure that if she took a bite, it would taste better than anything she ever tasted in her life and she wouldn’t be able to stop at just one taste. But then Aunt Joyce chimed in again. “What’s holding you up, girl? It’s not like the biscuit is going to bite you.”
Liv blinked and looked up. Promise?  There was Clayton, and he was now holding a biscuit up in front of her; the biscuit, dripping with glistening honey, was way too close to her lips. Oh heck, she had no choice but to take a bite. Not taking it would be rude, and besides, everyone was looking at her. Clayton, his eyes deep dark and intense, questioning, teasing, challenging her with their mirth. Liv had to lean forward and open her mouth.
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About the author:
Native New Yorker, K.M. spent her formative years on the ‘A’ train where she had two dreams: 1) to be a fashion designer and 2) to be a writer. After spending over ten years designing women’s sportswear for various fashion houses this self-proclaimed former fashionista, took the leap of faith and decided to pursue her other dream of being a writer.
A multi-award winning women’s fiction and contemporary romance writer, K.M.’s THE BETTING VOW was named one of NPR’s Great Reads 2017.
A mother of twins, K.M. currently lives in a suburb of New York with her husband, family and a precocious terrier named Jack that keeps them all on their toes.
Find K.M online:
Website:  www.kmjackson.com

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KM Jackson

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