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#BookReview + #Giveaway Between Heaven and Hell @Jacqui_Nelson OldWest

On a trail full of danger, will he guide her to heaven or hell?

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas – 1850

Hannah knows one thing the moment she enters Fort Leavenworth—she's arrived in Hell. But inside is the means to a new life, a position as a scout on a wagon train bound for the Western Territories. All she has to do is convince the wagon master, Paden Callahan, she's the right person for the job.

After his wife was murdered by the Comanche, Paden let his work as a Texas Ranger consume him. Now he wants nothing more than to disappear into the West. Unfortunately, the one man he can't refuse has asked him to guide a wagon train full of tenderfoots across thousands of miles of Indian land. But Paden's greatest challenge turns out to be Hannah, a woman his heart won't allow him to ignore even though she was raised by an enemy he hates.


Kay's Review

Wow. I haven't read a historical romance that grabbed my attention as much as this one did in a long time. This a fabulous story about one woman's journey to acceptance and a man running from his past. Their meeting is beautiful, passionate, heart-tugging. Gosh I fell in love all over again just reading this story.

After the death of her sister and mother, Hannah as to leave the Indian tribe she grew up in and she thinks taking the job of a scout in the Wagon Train heading west will be her salvation. While she wins the competition that lands her the job, the people around her reject her and so does Paden.

Although Paden is attracted to Hannah he cannot act on his impulses because he fears he would not be able to protect her as he couldnt protect his own wife who was killed by Comanches.

This story is well written, the characters are layered and complex, even the secondary characters get to shine. I loved Alejandro and Rebecca. Of course this isn't just a romance. It is also an action adventure which you should expect in a story about pioneers heading out west and crossing dangerous terrain. The villains are mean and there is suspense thrown in for good measure.

I love this story so much I didn't want it to end. This author has a new fan. Highly recommended.

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Fort Leavenworth, Kansas—Spring 1850
Lord help her, for she had entered Hell. That Hannah had sought guidance from the God of her past made her loneliness increase tenfold. She should’ve prayed to Grandfather Spider.

“Well, what’a we got here?” someone yelled from behind her. The voice was rough with malicious undertones.

“Don’t reckon I know,” replied another man. “Though she be a purty lil’ yellow-haired thing.”

“Maybe, but we’d hafta get them injun’ clothes off her to tell fer sure.”

Hannah stiffened in her saddle but kept her buckskin-clad knees tight against White Cloud’s sides, urging him forward. She fought the need to tug down the frayed cuffs of her wool coat or touch the beads and feathers in her belt for comfort.

Don’t react, she told herself. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t turn back.

A mountain man, the size of a bear, spat a foul-smelling stream of brown chewing tobacco in front of White Cloud’s path. He sneered at Hannah with lips stretched over rotting teeth.

Behind him on a saloon porch, a trio of dusty cowhands rose from their card game, waved their whiskey bottles at her and hollered, “Ooh-wee, lovey! Come on down from yer horse. Let us show you a good time.”

Strident feminine laughter filled the air. Hannah’s gaze darted heavenward to discover a row of women dressed in corsets and short calico skirts. They leaned over the balcony railing, watching her with black-rimmed eyes full of disdain.

If she ignored them, maybe they’d leave her alone. Or maybe coming to Fort Leavenworth hadn’t been such a good idea. She had no choice. She couldn’t turn back.

Jacqui Nelson writes historical romantic adventures set in the American West and Victorian London. Jacqui's love for the Old West came from watching classic Western movies while growing up on a cattle farm. Her passion for Victorian London wasn't far behind and only increased when she worked in England and explored the nooks and crannies of London on her weekends. She now lives on the west coast of Canada where she works in a bookstore. She is a Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® winner and three-time finalist.


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