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Smoldering desire under the stars- Kiss My Lips by @StellaEA #interracial #book #giveaway

Title: Kiss My Lips
Series: Holiday Series, #2
Genre: Romance/Contemporary/Multicultural/Interracial
ISBN: 978-1502776549 (Paperback)
Publication Date: Wednesday 29th October 2014
Cover Artist: Love Bites And Silk

Kiss My Lips (Holiday Series Book 2) is a sequel to
Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series Book 1).
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Will one kiss seal their love?

Accepting Logans marriage proposal was the most exciting event of Lornas life. But deciding in what country to marry her fiancé proved to be more than a tearful ordeal. When Lornas dad announced unexpected news, the wedding wheels spun in a different direction.

With other family members stirring conflict, would there be a wedding? Or would their shared kiss deepen their desire?

The memory of the possessive kiss that unlocked the key to her heart and cleared away the layers of ashes and soot still had the power to rock her body with burning intensity.

"Kiss My Lips, Logan," she moaned, her eyes shut.
The car stopped.
And the moist heat of his lips swept hers in waves of steamy hot kisses. When he released her swollen lips, she touched one trembling finger to her mouth as her eyes fluttered open.

"Come here," he told her, holding out his hand. They were parked in front of a pretty elegant restaurant.

"What are we doing here?" A bewildered expression lurked on her face. The kiss still had her in its strong grip. Her legs shook and she clutched to Logan's arm. He steadied her and nuzzled her neck with his day old cute beard.

"We're having a late lunch."

Her mouth formed into an "O".

"You haven't answered my question. Was it my kiss?" he prodded, his fingers caressed her waist.

"Yes," Lorna admitted. "I couldn't stop thinking about how sweet and warm your mouth felt, how my stomach contracted and how the heat exploded throughout my body."

His hold on her waist tightened. "Please don't stop talking. Tell me more," he said in a husky voice.

She swirled into his arms. "Not today. On our wedding night, I'll answer all your questions about how you make me feel."

Logan groaned as the automatic doors to the restaurant opened wide and they stepped into the carpeted dining area.

Stellas a fun loving mother of two, married to her very own gorgeous alpha male who satisfies her romantic appetite.

Writing romance novels is now her full time passion. In 2010, Stella created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels laced with the right cocktail of blazing passion, intrigue & toe-curling romance set in fascinating Africa, enticing Europe and America. There are seven contemporary romance novels in the basket; Loitering Shadows, Stormy Defense, Beyond the Lady, The Gardeners Ice Maiden, Sparkling Dawn, Husband to Rent, Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series #1).

My first historical romance is on my writing desk at the moment. In my leisure, I go swimming, reads romance novels, go to the Cinema and watch TV.
Flirty & Feisty Romance wishes you an amazing holiday season.

Our promise...is to deliver an intensely emotional experience you'll never forget.

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  1. Thank you, LoveBitesandsilk for hosting Kiss My Lips new release & giveaway party. Lorna and Logan are delighted to be here.


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