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Release Day #bookblitz TRISTEN The Last Seeker by @fleurcamacho YA #Fantasy

Title: Tristen: the Last Seeker
Author: Fleur Camacho
Release Date: Oct 16, 2014
Paperback Release Date: Nov 13, 2014
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Tristen wakes to find a man watching him from the mirror. A chill runs through Tristen’s body as the familiar robed priest stares at him longingly. The priest struggles to open his mouth; the stitches that lace his lips together slowly rip apart and jut raggedly from his mouth. His bloody lips stretch wide as he leans towards Tristen, trying to suck him into a deep black hole.
Ever since Tristen, a sixteen year old teenager, is assigned to work with Ailey on a school project, his life takes a thrilling and alarming turn. Tristen can’t stop the inexorable pull he feels toward Ailey; just being around her draws him in completely, blindly and with disastrous consequences. At the same time, an evil priest invades Tristen’s dreams and threatens to kill his mom.
Soon, Tristen and his friends find themselves magically transported to Fifteenth Century France and Tristen discovers that he is the last-born Seeker - destined to save the past and the influential figures who shape it. When someone tries to kill him, Tristen must make a choice: embrace his destined purpose and risk losing everything or be stuck in the past running for his life forever.
This is not a novel about vampires, werewolves or ghosts. This is not your regular romantic, time traveling, coming-of-age story. This is the first book in a magical, paranormal, fantasy series about a regular kid who finds out he is destined to become the new Seeker to save the world from a bloody ending. If Tristen had known that pairing up with Ailey would trigger a magical ancient prophecy ushering in the beginning of the end of the world, he might have stayed in bed that day.
I could feel her hand inches from mine as we lay, side by side, on the sand.  I shifted to my side and studied the way the wet curls in her sun-kissed hair hung in ringlets spread out on the sand, just waiting to be touched.  My hand automatically reached out toward her fingers, brushing them.
She opened her eyes and looked at me.  An overwhelming sense that we, somehow, fit together overcame me.  Somehow deep inside me, I felt that she was meant to be a part of my world.  It was like our souls were reuniting.  It was crazy and made perfect sense at the same time.
Suddenly she jerked up.
“That was so stupid!”
Fleur Camacho loves to read and travel.  Sometimes she reads so much that she gets sucked into the story and ignores everything she supposed to do.   Travel is always the top priority on her list and comes before fixing up the house, putting in grass or buying her dream car (an antique Ford Mustang).
She also likes to hike, paint, be healthy and read boring economic reports.  She is the wife to an uber-cool and sexy husband and a mom to two awesome children.
She practices positive inevitability and believes that if you don’t take the chance on something you believe in, you’ll never know what you could give to the world. 
The TRISTEN book series began as a conversation with her husband, after watching the tv show Heroes. They talked about what ability they would pick if they could have any power. Since she loves to experience different cultures, she decided that she would love to have the power to travel around the world and through time. Her husband liked this idea and told her that she should write a book about it. She wrote one page and then forgot about it. One day, her husband read the page and encouraged her to keep writing. She picked it up on and off until one day she finally decided to get serious and finish her book already! She hopes to complete at least five books in the TRISTEN series and already has the beginnings of the next series bouncing around her brain.
Fleur’s Blogs about writing | life | her book

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