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#TeaserTuesday + Opening Paragraph: Love on Death Row by @authoressmeliss #womensfic

Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading and First Chapter, First Paragraph hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea.

This week I'm reading Love on Death Row, a women's fiction by Melissa Love. I should warn you. This book contains themes of violence, abuse and strong language that could form triggers for some readers.

Here's the opening paragraph:

I guess you’re probably wondering how a loving daughter, a great wife and an educated black woman like me, happened to end up on death row. Well, it wasn’t hard at all… and as a matter of fact, you probably would have done it too. It took nothing for me to pull the trigger of my beautiful gun that was given to me by a friend of mine. Hell, his ass deserved it and so much more! Especially, after what he had done to me and all the shit he had put me through! I believe that No female should have to take that shit and I wasn’t about to go down without a fight!

 Here's the teaser:

I went back downstairs and busted all the pictures that had the home wrecking whore in them. I poured bleach all on the sofa in the living room, I busted all the shelves in the hall closet, and then I took the bleach again and pour it all on his Play Station console and the games that he loves so much. I think bleach is the answer to all my problems. 

Here's the blurb:

How Far Would You Go To Save Your Marriage? 

From the outside De’Nesha Cole had the picture perfect life with two beautiful children and a loving husband. But on the outside, Terence was far from perfect. He was violent, controlling and abusive. When her best friends find out what’s been going on behind closed doors, they encourage her to go to the authorities, but she refused. She was determined to make her marriage work no matter at what cost and death was no exception.

What do you think? Would you keep reading? Leave me a comment and have a fabulous week.

Maya xx

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Women's Fiction


  1. Sounds like she has finally found her fury. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. Sounds full on but I think I'd carry on reading.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. It is a full on book. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, there's loads of drama in this one. Thanks, Claudia.

  4. I don't know if I would continue to read. Sounds like a very dark story.

  5. She sounds like she has had more than enough right now! I hope she will be able to sort out her problems in the best way possible for herself.

    Here's my TT post for this week. Happy reading.

  6. I am a new follower. Would love for you to follow back.

  7. WOW Maya. There's a lot of rightful anger in that teaser for sure! I hope she'll be able to sort out her problems in the best way possible for herself.

    Here's my TT post for this week. Happy reading.

  8. Sounds like De'Nesha was pushed too far! I'd like to read this story and find out what happened. (LOVE the bleach on everything, especially the Play Station!)
    My Teaser is from KEEPING FAITH.

  9. that's quite the beginning, I wonder how it all turns out? enjoy your book. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  10. What an intense story! Love your teaser, but I don't think the cover is right for this book, as it doesn't strike me as anything dramatic.
    Thanks for sharing, though, and for stopping by my blog!
    Here's mine (for everyone else): http://darkfrannysthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/teaser-tuesday-29.html

  11. It seems like she has gone through a lot of pain.
    Check out my teaser.

  12. Interesting premise and strong character! However, I have a different tastes in books than you on the whole, so truthfully probably wouldn't read it. But I hope you enjoy the heck out of it :)

  13. Well, now if that doesn't peak someones interest then nothing will..great teaser. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

    Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!

  14. De'Nesha sounds like an interesting character. I would keep reading.

  15. I don't think this is my cup of tea, but hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by today!

  16. Nice! Hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for visiting my Tuesday post!

  17. Sounds like she had enough.

  18. oh boy! now that's anger and hurt! great tease!
    Trish - my teaser

  19. This sounds like my kind of book. It sounds like 'real speak' and lately that's what I go for.

  20. Sounds like that guy got what was coming to him. . . Thanks for visiting my blog.

  21. Haha! Bleach can do a lot of things! Great post!

    Thanx for visiting my TT
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  22. This sounds interesting - I like the narrative voice from the teaser and the blurb intrigues me.

    Thanks for having stopped by my blog!


  23. Thanks for the comments everyone. I love hearing feedback and yes De'Nesha was push too far. She had enough of being abuse and cheated on.


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Have a nice day.

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