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#BookTour Crying Wolf by Rochelle Paige #paranormalromance

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Crying Wolf (Black River Pack, #1) by Rochelle Paige Blog Tour


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Grace Shaw is on the run from her crazy ex-boyfriend who refuses to believe their relationship is over. He's a cop and is willing to use police resources to track her down. So Grace comes up with a plan and tricks his fellow brothers in blue into thinking crying wolf a couple of times when he's reported her missing. Little does she know she'll go running into the arms of a real wolf when she finally makes her escape for real.

She just wants to be left alone, but then she meets Hunter Tate - the alpha of the Black River Pack. Grace tries to hold Hunter at arm's length, but there's just no reasoning with an alpha male werewolf who insists she's his mate.

This is book one in the Black River Pack series. Each novella will feature a different couple.
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Then a pure, sweet scent drifted my way and my wolf wanted to know where it was coming from so he could roll around in it. Parker was looking over my shoulder with a welcoming smile on his face. A growl crept up my throat at the flirty gleam in his eyes as I turned to see who had caught his attention.
She was the opposite of any woman I’d ever fucked in the past. Everything I’d thought I would never want. Her tiny frame looked practically breakable by human standards, let alone a wolf’s. I had to be at least a full foot taller than she was and more than a hundred pounds heavier. She looked nothing like our she-wolves, who were tall, lithe and athletic. But even though she was small, she had curves that were just begging to be touched.
Her full breasts strained against the red fabric of the T-shirt she was wearing, the one with my brand stretched across her chest. The only thing that even remotely resembled the women of my pack was the long, brown hair that flowed down her back and the brown eyes that blinked up at me. But even those were better somehow. Her hair gleamed in the sun that streaked through the windows and her eyes held a softness I was unaccustomed to seeing. They also flashed with awareness as chemistry arced between us. I heard her breath hitch as a blush crept up her neck and spread across her cheeks.
She ducked her head for a moment and took a deep breath before she looked up again. Only this time, her gaze didn’t meet mine as she smiled over my shoulder at my brother. The beast inside me, who’d been howling in appreciation as I’d been staring at her, quickly turned to snarling at the sight of her smiling for another man.

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About Me

I absolutely adore reading - always have and always will. My friends growing up used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing.
I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author. I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me "About time!"
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Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack #2)

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Expected Release Date- end of Dec.

Books By Rochelle Paige

Push the Envelope

Hit the Wall
Summer Nights
A Novella Duo Featuring Push It Forward & Hold Your Horses
Outside the Box
Blythe College Series Box Set:
Sucked Into Love

Winter Wedding

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Rochelle Paige

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