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#BookReview #Giveaway ST BLAIR CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT @emilyauthor #PNR #YA

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Young Adult Paranormal/Supernatural
By E.W. Skinner
Published April 17th, 2014

Maya's Review

This is a surprisingly good read and a refreshing take of a dystopian world that eschews religion and faith in favour of 'Good' and equality. It made me reassess my own views of the world we live in at the moment that seems to swing from religious fundamentalist on one end to atheist extremists at the other. What would happen in a world without religion? This story tries gives you a glimpse into what life could be like in that kind of world.

At the start we meet, Sybille a young girl on the edge of committing suicide because she cannot be with someone she wants who is on a different shift as she if. Day Shifters cannot mix with Night Shifters. So she is left in despair until she stumbles upon a relic from the past and begins to questions everything around her and make the journey to faith.

This story is very well written and I'm glad it delivers its message without 'preaching' at me. I think lovers of YA or Paranormal fiction will really love this one.

Fun Facts

1)      E.W. Skinner worked a second shift job that had major overtime when she first got the idea for St. Blair: Children of the Night. She would take walks on her job breaks and she said it was so desolate, that they felt like we were the only people in existence. But in reality, the rest of the world was asleep. On those walks, she and her coworkers were exposed to strong odors from a nearby yacht builder, who worked the same hours. It seemed toxic and secretive to Skinner that the boat builders were working during second and third shift hours. But likely, the heat of Florida temperatures didn’t permit the nearby boat business to work in the heat of the day. But the night world that she worked kept her separated from her husband and children, because she slept while her family played and they slept when she was wide awake working. So the society in St. Blair: Children of the Night was developed from that experience.

2)      E.W. Skinner’s daughters, Marquel Skinner and Blair Skinner, live in Hollywood, California. Both of her novel series are named for her girls. Her adult novel Marquel is penned under Emily Skinner. Though her books share her daughters’ names, the books are not about her daughters. She decided to write under different pen names to differentiate the age group that might read each series.

3)      E.W. decided to share how she develops her stories by adding a list of Reading Group Discussion questions in the back of St. Blair: Children of the Night. She wants readers to think about what they are reading and why writers chose the names, dates and settings of their stories. The answers to the questions can be provided to the reader on request at: www.ewskinner.com.

4)      E.W. shares that her characters tell her their story. She is their instrument. She helps her characters get their story out. And she always surprised when a new character shows up. Though she writes with plots and outlines at various stages of her process, the character always wins. If they chose to live or die, cheat or be faithful, fight or strike, they control their destiny.

5)      E.W. spends a lot of time writing in coffee houses to avoid distractions at home. She is more prone to cook or clean or finish a home project if she feels she can spare a few minutes.

6)      When her character Eston showed up, she immediately saw David Beckham, but she could easily see Adam Levine as Eston.
St Blair - Cover
 Sybille Malone lives in an overpopulated Manhattan, Region One, of Global Good 2202. Their society is the fulfillment of utopian ideals developed by the surviving masses of 2100. Seventeen-year-old Sybille is a resident of Dayshift and longs for a Nightshift boy known only as Mark. Distraught by Global Good's restrictive culture, Sybille is desperate until she finds a relic of a past civilization. The discovery of Blair's diary sets off a chain of supernatural events that not only affects Sybille's close relationships, but has Global Good scrambling to find the culprit. goodreads-small Teasers StBlairteaser buy-links
  Author-Bio Emily W Skinner
 Emily had a goal when she was 15, she would have a daughter named Marquel and write a novel titled "Marquel." She accomplished both and more.
A member of The International Thriller Writers, Emily was a protege of the late master of the pulps or paperback originals, Harry Whittington. Emily interviewed Whittington during her days as a feature writer for the Clearwater Sun daily newspaper and its weekly division. They became friends and he taught her how to plot and gave her approval of the original outline and sample chapter for "Marquel" shortly before he died in 1989.
After Whittington passed away, Emily challenged herself to write as her mentor did and wrote a chapter a day and finished the novel "Marquel" in 52 days. For more details on the novel's history read:
Fast forward, a second daughter, Blair is born and Emily and husband Tom focus on raising their family. Both daughters are now grown and work in Hollywood. So this might be an example of art imitating life or the reverse?
A devoted Catholic, Emily is rekindling her love for writing and has just completed the movie script for "Marquel" and a young adult paranormal appropriately named after her youngest child, "St. Blair: Children of the Night." She will begin the sequel to "Marquel" in the coming months, currently untitled.
When Emily isn't working as a marketing consultant or writing, she enjoys antiquing/thrifting and producing short films. Emily is the proud Executive Producer of Blair Skinner's film "Relative Eternity," a 2012 LA Shorts Film Festival selection, Sunscreen Film Festival selection and Short Film Corner Festival de Cannes selection. Written, directed and edited by Blair Skinner, "Relative Eternity" is on snagfilms.com for your viewing pleasure. It is free to view.

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