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#BookBlitz Call it Fate by Elizabeth Wyke @elizabeth_wyke #Romance

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Call it Fate by Elizabeth Wyke Book Blitz
Dec. 11th- Dec. 15th

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Discovering a long-kept secret…
Helped by a mysterious stranger…
Sometimes, fate takes you by surprise.

Locating a book in the campus library unexpectedly embarks college sophomore, Hannah McCurry, into a life-altering journey as she stumbles across something she never expected. A secret not only protected from the world at large, but essentially hidden, specifically, from her.

Joining Hannah, with a secret of his own, is the gloriously handsome librarian, Spencer Rush. Meeting him was fate. Trusting him was a choice. But falling for him was beyond her control.

Through her life-changing quest, doubts increase while truths of her past are unveiled. Two seemingly unrelated instruments become the keys to unlocking her future. A book. And a stranger.

Call it FATE. Call it INTENSE. Definitely call it HEAT.

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About Elizabeth Wyke

I'm Elizabeth Wyke, author of the new-adult, sci-fi romance novel, Call It Fate.
Though a Colorado native, I've lived most of my life where the wind comes sweeping down the plains, in the great state of Oklahoma. Here I live with a ton of testosterone… my amazing husband, two incredible sons, and three dogs – two of which are also male, and thus testosterone-driven, as well. Most of my free time (i.e. after the kids are asleep) is spent replenishing what dwindling estrogen levels remain, by reading and writing sappy love stories.
I discovered my love for creative writing as a teenager, and always dreamed of penning a full-length novel, but honestly never thought I'd really do it. Then after falling in love with so many indie authors, I thought to myself, "Well if they were brave enough to do it, certainly I can be too, right?" So in-between my duties as wife and mommy, I took some online writing classes to polish the attempt, and from the very first writing assignment, the idea of Call It Fate was born. I knew right then I would eventually turn it in to a book. And here we are.
I am currently working on part two of the trilogy... stick around for more news on its production.
I'm a real Facebook junkie, and hope you take a second to like my page over there so we can connect, and really stay connected long-term. I've said before some of my other "healthy" (ok, maybe not so healthy) addictions are über-sweet coffee drinks, and all things Maroon 5. But I'm really just a big fan of music in general. It plays a huge role in my writing, and also day-to-day life, motivating me to kick it in gear and fold some laundry, or clean up the dishes. I've often said, "a workout is only as good as its playlist"...but really, that could be said for just about everything in my daily life.

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