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#BookReview Dream Hunter by @mayatylerauthor #PNR #free for a limited time

Cynthia’s dreams are so real, they are actually coming true – complete with the prerequisite dream guy. But things are not as they seem.
Who said dreams are sweet?
Chicago businesswoman Cynthia Courtland is completely focused on her career when a sensual, reoccurring dream disrupts her orderly life. Then a threat against her workplace forces her to take time off. She is lost with nowhere to go--only her empty apartment.
Work is Gabe’s life too; he takes it very seriously and will do whatever it takes to succeed. He's been watching over Cynthia for a long time and he has her best interests at heart, but can he protect her from the danger she is blind to? When Cynthia insists on investigating the threat so she can get back to work, it makes Gabe's job all the more difficult.
When things settle, will there be more for them than a life filled with work? Will she give her dreams a chance to come true?

Intrigued? Looking for more…

Available free on Amazon for two days – February 20 – 21, 2015, Maya Tyler’s debut paranormal romance novella…

Maya's Review

Do you ever have dreams tht were so vivid, so exciting you thought they were real. Is it difficult sometimes to distinguish between dreams and reality. Well, this is what Cynthia has been experiencing. Sometimes she dreams even when she is awake and it's difficult to tell what is real and what isn't. When she is put in jeopardy by a threat at work, Gabe, the man who is her protector from her dreams comes to her rescue. But all isn't as it seems.

I likes the premise of this paranormal story as the author blurred the lines between dreams and reality and I found myself wondering what was real and what wasn't. The story will make you think as you attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding Gabe and the goings on in Cynthia's office.

This is an easy quick read and should appeal to fans of romantic suspense as well as paranormal romance. A good first outing for a debut author.

  Maya Tyler

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