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Can they become whom they must, in order to survive? V Cantrell #Giveaway

From what was never meant to be, can they become whom they must, in order to survive?
Title: Divine Merit 
Author: V. Cantrell 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 
Release Date: June 9th 2014
Series: Divine Series Book 1 
Cover Designer: AM DesignStudios

 Free with Kindle Unlimited and on Sale for $1.99

From what was never meant to be, can they become whom they must, in order to survive?

Amira has been trained from birth to become the ruler of the Nephilim and their island sanctuary. She is the perfect princess, until her birthright and even her fundamental beliefs are ripped away. She’ll learn perfection and training count for nothing when faced with a ruthless enemy determined to possess her and all she holds dear. Does she have the fortitude and inner strength needed to regain her kingdom and save her people?

Sometimes you have to stop fighting in order to win.

As captain of the Royal Guard, Caeden’s priority is to protect the Royal Family. Sometimes that means protecting the naive princess from her own desires, even if he is tempted to give in. When a betrayer strikes from within, their sanctuary and very existence are threatened. Caeden must overcome the burning pain of helplessness to defeat this enemy and restore Amira to her rightful place. He will not fail his princess again.

     Amira looked pointedly at where his hand connected with her arm. “Please release me. I’ve had enough unwanted hands grabbing me today.”

     He dropped his hand as if she’d burned him, and Amira felt an immediate chill at the loss of contact. What was wrong with her? Why did only this one male affect her so strongly?

     As what she said penetrated his mind, a look of fury crossed his face. 

     “Did he hurt you?” Caeden asked in a deadly calm tone that didn’t match the look in his now frigid blue eyes.

     Amira’s heart began to race. “I have taken care of the problem,” she tried to reassure him.

     His show of protectiveness caused excited butterflies to flutter uncontrollably in her stomach. He’s doing his job, she reminded herself in an attempt to kill them. 

     “Princess...” he began.

     “Caeden,” she said on a sigh, “I’ve had a terrible day, and wish for nothing more than to go up to my rooms, climb into bed, and pretend this day never happened.” She should have left it at that, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from adding, “I’m sure you’ll have no problem, with me out of the way, finding another female to naively follow you around and look at you like you are a gift straight from the angels. As for me, I just don’t have it in me right now.”

     “Oh hell,” Caeden muttered to himself as he watched her race up the stairs and into her chambers.

Virginia's greatest passion has always been fiction, particularly romance. The innocent in her loves the idea of a happily-ever-after, but she has a massive soft spot for the bad boys. If you ask her, she'll tell you that she's living her dream— getting paid to read and helping indie authors to create beauty by working as an editor for Hot Tree Editing. She's inspired by the many amazing indie authors she has met and has (finally) found the courage to follow her other dream by becoming a published author.

Virginia would love to hear from you at http://www.facebook.com/v.cantrell.author or please consider leaving a review at Amazon or Goodreads.

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