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When does being naturally sexy become your best attribute? @kcollinsauthor


AUTHOR: Kelly Collins
GENRE: Contemporary romance with an 18+ warning

"When does being naturally sexy become your best attribute?"

Twenty-one-year-old honors student, River Roberts, knew her life had to change. With only forty dollars to her name, she was hungry, tired, and out of options. While seeking advice from her best friend Jade, she found something that could provide all she was looking for. Sexy, witty, charming and motivated, she met the requirements for The Dean’s List, a university society that offered alumni anything they desired. It was the perfect job for her.

But it came with a cost: secrets and loneliness. 

After the death of his wife, enigmatic Jonathan Ferris lived in a world of acquisition and mergers, a world where he knew financial security, a world filled with desolating loneliness. That was until River Roberts. She was intelligent, beautiful, sensual, and when their lives collided, his world changed. 

But then there was reality: she wasn’t truly his.

In a world of commodities and trading, River and Jonathan must fight to preserve what their hearts desire. But will that be possible? Will their collision be temporary, or will they overcome the many obstacles in their way?

Popsicle sticks, a container of steaming goo, and a stack of fabric swatches sat on the table next to the head of the bed.
 My heart pounded in my chest. Sweat built on my brow. “It’s my first time, and I’m a little frightened.” Terrified was more like it. I’d never been waxed. I’ve always been a fan of trimming, but waxing seemed so severe.

“No need to be scared. We do these all day, every day. I haven’t lost a client yet.”

Her attempt at humor didn’t erase my anxiety. I hopped on the table wearing a bra, shirt and nothing else. The waxer started some friendly conversation.

“Where are you from?” I was instructed to fold my legs Indian style. As I laid flat on the table, I answered her questions. My open vagina was on display for a perfect stranger. I better get used to this—it would be a constant in my new life.

I didn’t know what kind of nerve endings were on top of my lady parts, but when she ripped the wax free, I was certain she had ripped my soul straight out of my clit.

I wanted to punch her face as my body lifted off the table. All the while, she was telling me about her favorite Chinese restaurant on Broadway. She was spreading hot wax all over my sex and she was talking about Wonton soup.

Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping the love alive.

Always a romantic, she is inspired by real time events mixed with a dose of fiction. She encourages her readers to reach the happily ever after but bask in the afterglow of the perfectly imperfect love.

Kelly lives in Colorado with her husband of twenty-five years. She loves hockey, shiny objects and has a new found appreciation for green smoothies.


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