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She thought he was the love of her life #romance #APHallmark #newrelease

by A.P. Hallmark

Genre: Contemporary Romance

She thought he was the love of her life, but Joy’s world is broken when she discovers she has been betrayed not only by the man she loves, but her life-long friends as well. Taking the time to heal and mend her heart, with great effort, Joy slowly begins to forgive as well.

Unfortunately, the handsome doctor’s wicked and devious ex-fiancé, Emma Ford, who was the catalyst of the destruction of Joy and Matthew’s relationship, refuses to go away. What Emma doesn’t know is that her scheming and conniving only solidifies the two lovers’ bond.

Dr. Matthew Davis has the knowledge to make Joy Johnson see for the first time in fourteen years, but her refusal to go under the knife again prevents this from happening.

Will Joy allow her Doctor to perform this miracle, or will Emma get to her first?

The first time I walked into the café and saw her sitting there, she was reading in Braille. Her delicate fingers quickly skimmed over the pages; she’s a fast reader. At times, she would come to a humorous part of the story and grin. Once, she laughed. It was a charming giggle and now having heard it, I want to hear it again.

So, what started out as a daily need for a double espresso macchiato was soon replaced by my desire to see her. Sitting across the room, pretending to read a newspaper, or file notes when I have them, I watch her. She recognizes her guide dog periodically, or stops to feel the rays of sun shining on her face that beam through the window. My favorite is when she listens in on someone's conversation.

What really surprised me was my reaction when a longhaired college student-type approached her one morning. Protectively, I tensed up, but her dog immediately became alert and growled at the intruder. It made me chuckle when it scared the guy so bad that he left in a hurry. I got a kick out of the smirk she had on her face as she rewarded her dog with some love.

Today, however, she’s facing the window and looking up toward the sun, smiling. Running my hands through my hair, I force my eyes away from her.

Today's the day, I repeat to myself. Today I’m going to speak to her.

Opening the door, I glance over at her and her head slowly turns in my direction. She also takes a slow, deep inhaling breath.

"Hello, Dr. Davis, the usual?" Myra asks, causing me to jump at the sudden sound of her voice.

"Good morning, Myra. Yes, please, the usual," I reply looking behind me, afraid she’ll leave before I get the nerve to say something to her.

This is it, Davis, time to man up.

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A.P. Hallmark resides in Reno, Nevada, near her youngest daughter and four grandchildren. A paralegal in real life, she started her love of reading at the young age of fifteen, beginning with her first Harlequin Romance … and Fabio.

Her male characters are strong and possessive, her women are strong and feminine. With two powerful lead characters, her stories are filled with adventure, romance, and sometimes their will to be the last one standing gives her readers a fun ride.

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