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Why I love Jack Reacher #WinterWonderMan #Giveaway

Welcome to the Winter Wonder Man Blog Hop hosted by H.D. Thomson and Bella Media Management. It runs from January 16th to 19th.

The topic is 'What is it about a movie or book hero that makes our toe curl?'

First of all he has to have the total package, good-looking with a body that makes you want to lick the screen or pages and be able to kick ass. But my absolute favorite is that he's got to have a no nonsense attitude and be flawed. I love a flawed hero.

One of my favorite fictional characters is Jack Reacher. If you've ever read the books by Lee Child or watched the movie Jack Reacher, you'll know he is an ex-military man who won several honour and now investigates tough legal cases. But the thing that gets me about him is that he is a loner, a drifter. All he has is whatever he's carrying on him as he travels across America which is just a debit card, money and a foldable toothbrush. The man is just awesome in my book. You can check out the entire Jack Reacher series here.

You can check out the movie trailer.

Contest: You have a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card. Simply complete the rafflecopter entries. Have a lovely weekend! Maya xx.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Winter Wonder Man


  1. I love Jack Reacher too :) I've only read the first 4 books I think, I really should carry on with the series!

    I love tattooed manly heroes. guys with big hard exteriors but soft and gooey interiors :)

  2. I love a tattoed, bad boy, tortured hero type who is bad *ss on the outside and a total sweetheart to his girl, and loyal. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I like the sweet ones who get underestimated at first, but end up awesome! A good sense of humor and a hidden naughty streak don't hurt, either...


  4. I love the tortured soul that is fiercely protective over his friends and family, that will sacrifice for those he loves. and has a sarcastic attitude.


  5. I love a man who's protective, loyal, and funny
    jasdarts at hotmail dot com

  6. I love a hero who is sweet and very protective.

  7. I loooove these books. I started the first one, and got totally hooked and read all of them in about three weeks, back to back. Like the books much more than the film. I've met the author, too, and he's lovely, very genuine :)

  8. I like a wide variety of heroes. It depends upon what I feel like reading.

  9. Any kind as long as they have Alpha personalities :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. tough and funny - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  11. I like fictional heroes who are kind (even if they hide it), honorable, confident, protective, smart, and who have a sense of humor.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  12. I like my fictional hero to take charge but also confident enough to be honest with his emotions.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  13. Be a man...take care of what's yours with no excuses..
    Be strong and do the right thing!

  14. My hero is loyal to his friend and family, and he has a naughty sense of humor. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Oh yeah, Jack Reacher is hot. Never saw the movie, but now I want to.

  16. He needs to be loyal,alpha male,sarcastic,funny,sweet,hot body...
    Thanks for a chance :)

  17. I've always had a thing for the strong silent types, who have a kind heart that doesn't show itself on the surface, a protector, and smart.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  18. I enjoyed Jack Reacher (he was smart, confident, respectful and strong) the only thing I would love to add would be an accent (have a thing for accents).
    susanmplatt AT Hotmail DOT com

  19. I've never read the Jack Reacher books. Now I can see I need to add the series to my reading list.

  20. The hero that captures my heart is sexy and wild, loyal and kind but has an edge to him and does the unpredictable.

  21. Love sexy alpha heroes who have a great sense of humor! Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. alpha and smart

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  23. I totally love Jack Reacher too -- but only the book version. I refuse to see the movie.....because although Tom Cruise is a talented actor---he is NOT Jack Reacher.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  24. My favorite is an alpha hero. One thats strong, caring, protective. I love a sense of humor! And a six pack and guns doesnt hurt anything. lol Thank you!

  25. I love a caring, protective hero, one who can go all alpha male, yet doesn’t feel threatened and even encourages their loved one taking the lead and taking charge. A sense of humor is also important. It doesn’t matter if it’s just goofiness, dry humor, wit, etc, just some type of sense of humor. He has to be able to deal with feelings, not all, oh I’m a guy, we don’t do those things, over-macho crap. I want a guy who’s secure in his massculinity (you know, not afraid to wear pink or scared people will think he’s “gay” or “a girl” for actually doing/enjoying things like going to the theatre or dressing fashionably). Loyalty and fidelity are extremely important as well as being able to cook. A guy who can cook is super sexy. And romantic at heart as well.


  26. I like Jack Reacher, too and Roarke in the J.D. Robb books.
    capefearlibn at gmail dot com

  27. I like my heros all alpha :) delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

  28. I like the bad boy hero's like vampires and highlanders

  29. I like a hero who protects his heroine and doesn't care if the world knows how much he loves her.

  30. I love a hero like Chris Pine. He's very strong and silent AND handsome!
    cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com

  31. My hero is strong and protecting. I love a man who knows me so well that its almost like he could be psychic at times. ghwasd at gmail dot com

  32. My favorite hero is faithful, protective and has a great sense of humor.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  33. Thank you to everyone who stopped by. The winner has been chosen.

    Congratulations to Susan Platt!

    Kay @ Love Bites and Silk


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