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#BookReview: Forever and Almost Always by Amanda Bennett #adult #romance

Tags: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


What do you do when the one person you have always wanted, you can almost never have?

We found each other by chance and it was perfect, easy and everything I could have asked for. Our love was one for the books. When he moved next door, my entire world flipped upside down and inside out, but it was the best feeling I had ever experienced. Until the time came to choose between him and my family. I was young and in love, but in the end, I chose my family. I’ve regretted that decision since the day I made it. Now fate has given me a second chance with the one person I knew I was always supposed to be with. But this time so much more was standing in our way.

Can I choose him over the life I’ve come to know?

Will he be able to forgive me and give us a second chance?

Is true love really enough to conquer everything standing in our way?

Sometimes the hardest decisions in life, are the most liberating, I just hope that this time I made the right one. 

Maya's Review
A moving tale of old flames, lost and found again. This story starts slowly. In truth there was no real conflict until half-way through and then bang, the story takes off.

Dax is Charlee's first love but when the time comes for her to choose between moving with her family and staying with Dax, she chooses her family and breaks his heart. She goes back to him a second time but he punishes her for deserting him. As readers we don't really get to live these scenes with the characters. We are just told that Dax did bad things, and it was a little disappointing because I lost the connection with the characters here.

Charlee moves out and they are separated for ten years until she decides she wants to reconnect with him again. And of course he's married so how are they going to work it out.

The last quarter of this book gets emotional and I connected with Dax's struggle to do the right thing. As he says, life is complicated and isn't always so black and white. I was glad how things worked out for them and gave a soft sigh in the end.

This is my first time of reading this author and I would read her books again. I just wished the author spent more time describing and 'showing' us in the second half of the book and cutting most of the first half. Then we would have had a fantastic book. There are some smoking hot sex scenes in here so this is definitely adult only.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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