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Can true love transcend life and death? Phantom Lover @Tamaria_Soana #booktour starts today

Phantom Lover by Tamaria Soana
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Every night Olivia longs to fall asleep in hopes that once again she’ll be joined by her phantom lover.

Can true love transcend life and death?

Olivia Shaw-Clayton’s life revolves around her job ever since her husband was killed eight months ago in Iraq. She slaves away at her desk in hopes of numbing the pain of her loss and the guilt of longing to fall asleep once again to be joined by her phantom lover.

Tour Schedule

Stop by any of the tour stops to read an excerpt or watch the book trailer.
Blog URL
27 January
28 January
29 January
30 January
30 January
31 January
2 February
3 February
4 February
4 February
5 February
6 February
7 February

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Tamaria Soana

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