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March 2014: #ReadingChallenge Book(s) of the Month #MenageMarch

Welcome to March, ROW80Books Challengers!

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in February's Book of the Month challenge. I know some of the books pulled you out of your comfort zones. It is great that you all persevered and finished the books. So thanks again.

Without further ado, here are the BOTM award winners!

Alaina - Beloved
Shreyas - The Darkest Child
Nana - Midnight
Kiru  - Midnight

And the winners of the North America continent award are


Congratulations to all the winners!

If you completed any of the above challenges and I don't have your name listed above please make sure you add the book review link to the February Reading Challenge post and identify your name, book title and location.

Now on to March's reading challenge Book (s) of the Month.

In honour of #MenageMarch we are reading books about love triangles / menage a trois. Here are some books you might want to consider reading:

Historical Fiction (UK)

Contemporary New Adult Fiction (USA)

Romantic Suspense (UK / Nigeria)

Contemporary Fiction (UK)

Historical Fiction (Russia)

Thriller (USA)

Feel free to select any one of these books or pick your own. If you know a great love triangle book, you're welcome to recommend it to the group.

At the end of March the Yellow BOTM award will go to people who read any of the above books. We will also give out the Green Continent award for Europe.

GOOD NEWS: The author of An Engagement Challenge is running a contest. If you read and review her book before the end of March, 2014, you can enter this RAFFLECOPTER prize draw to win 2 x $10 Amazon Gift Cards.
This books is currently on SALE at half-price at Smashwords as part of Read An eBook Week.

Happy Reading!

Enter your #ROW80Books March book review links here.

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Reading Challenge


  1. I'm blushing before I even choose a book.

    1. Hahahahaha. What's there to blush about? ;)

      Kay xx

  2. I added my link to my March Update post, but the link will not be live until March 29th.

    1. I had to fix my link, it wasn't working. new link is correct

  3. And here is my link: The Adultery Club, UK

  4. Oops. I missed the linky. Here's my March read: Fix You, UK



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Have a nice day.

Love Africa Book Club

Bite into a book and fall in love.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons