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None of it would be possible without his STRAY ALLY by Troy Lambert #thriller @authortroy

A strange accident on the freeway, accusations of murder, and an encounter in the Idaho wilderness all propel Todd Clarke into a new friendship with a dog named Sparky. But Sparky is no ordinary dog, and there is more going on than Clarke could have imagined.

A military commander he investigated for Aryan activity and links to domestic terrorism is after him, and he’s not sure why until another chance encounter provides the answer.
With Sparky and the help of his canine friends, will he be able to figure out the Colonel’s plan and stop him in time? All Clarke knows for sure is none of it would be possible without the help of his 
Stray Ally.

I heard the gunfire. Good.
And bad. They'd already reached the first trap. I increased my pace as much as I dared in the dark. I needed to be enough ahead of them to collect my goods and get out of town. Originally I’d planned to spend the night, get some breakfast in the morning, and then split. One more night's sleep would do me good.
But they brought the fight to me.
Take it to them. Kill.
The voice belonged to me, chanting in my head, filling my ears.
Sparky looked at me, and sprinted ahead.
He seemed to sense my thoughts.
He whined, begged me to follow. They said, sometimes animals are strangely in tune with human emotions and thoughts, especially when they’re close to their owners. 
He’s not even my dog.
Maybe he's your dog, kind of destined to be.
I don't believe in destiny.
Yeah, but maybe the dog believes.
It was no time to dwell on stray thoughts. I needed to move out, set up the last trap. As the saying went, I had miles to go before I could sleep.
I uncoiled the rope as I walked, the rifle slung loosely over my shoulder. Up ahead, I saw Sparky running back my direction, and it made me genuinely happy.

Troy works as a freelance writer, researcher, and editor. He writes historical site characterization reports for those performing remediation on former resource extraction sites, software instruction and help guides, and edits the research of others as well. His true passion is writing dark, psychological thrillers. His work includes Broken Bones, a collection of his short stories, Redemption the first in the Samuel Elijah Johnson Series, Temptation the sequel to Redemption, along with the horror Satanarium, co-authored with Poppet, a brilliant author from South Africa and published by Wild Wolf Publishing. His next novel, Stray Ally, will be published March 4th by Tirgearr Publishing. The final in the Samuel Elijah Johnson Series, Confession will be published May 1st.
Troy lives with his wife of twelve years, two of his five children and two very talented dogs. He is a skier, cyclist, hiker, fisherman, hunter, and a terrible beginning golfer.
Author Website: www.troylambertwrites.com

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