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Will she hide behind the wall? Truth or Dare by @AuthorAJBennett #bookblitz

Truth of Dare Spotlight Banner Synopsis
Luna Alexander has always been a 'free spirit' and lived by her own rules, consequences be damned. With the approach of an anniversary she'd rather forget, Luna starts to wonder if there's more to life than partying and hooking up with hot guys.

A chance meeting with a dark knight knocks her off kilter and has her emotions spinning out of control.
Will she finally overcome her past for a chance at happiness, or will she hide behind the walls she's built around her?
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Truth or Dare Cover
Her body ached with an irrational need to have him close to her. She noticed several faint silver scars across his back. How had he gotten those?
The memory of his reaction to the scar on his stomach stopped her from asking.
Hunter wasn’t prepared to share anything with her other than his body. Understandable, she wasn’t exactly the type to bare her soul either.
She was startled by the realization that she would like to know what secrets he kept hidden underneath his hard exterior. Usually, she could care less about the men she got involved with. But she was intrigued to know what made him tick. What experiences in his past made him who he was today?
On that note, Luna kicked the sheets off her and swung her feet over the bed. “I guess it’s time for me to get home.”
“Stay the night with me,” he said gruffly without turning.
Thankfully she still had a sane corner in her mind. She shook her head. “I can’t I have to work in the morning.”
“Call in sick.”
Luna laughed. Why did he have to be so freakin’ gorgeous. It was hard to say no, but she had to remain strong. “I don’t have that luxury.”
He nodded and moved towards her. Reaching down he drew her up, towering over her. “Alright, but I want to see you tomorrow.”
They stared at each other for so long she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. The air between them seemed to thicken making it hard to breath. She knew things were moving too fast, but couldn’t seem to find the words to protest.
His fingers closed around the back of her neck and his thumb stroked her collar bone. The tips of her naked breast grazed his firm chest.
“You’re making it hard to leave.”
“Tell me you’ll see me tomorrow.” He cupped her face and gave her a brief, but thorough kiss.
She swallowed visible and nodded dropping her head onto his chest moving into the embrace. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Maybe she was reading too much into it. Imagining, he sounded almost desperate to see her again.
Why couldn’t she shut off that cynical voice in her head and just enjoy the moment?
Author Pic
A.J. Bennett lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and bulldog. She's addicted to coffee, popcorn and books. Becoming an author has been a lifelong dream, and she's extremely excited about her debut novel Now or Never.
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Truth or Dare


  1. I can imagine the fireworks exploding at their next rendezvous. Nice excerpt. .

  2. Thank you so much for participating in the Spotlight Tour for Truth or Dare. :)


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