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#BookReview: Swagger by Nikki Prince #newadult @AuthorNPrince

Tag: contemporary romance, new adult


Nine years, two lives, one love.

We all have dreams. Mine were filled with college and the boy I loved, Cruz Montoya. But all that went up with smoke when he got sent to Juvenile Hall, my sister killed herself, and Dad up and left. My mother, and I use that terminology loosely, became a monster transferring her pains and disappointment. I became trapped.

Honorably discharged, I’m back in Arlington Heights, the small town that only remembers the black sheep persona of my youth. I could list a dozen reasons for my return, but the only one that matters is Roxanne Waters. I should probably leave her be. I’m not much of a catch with PTSD and the childhood memories rattling around in my brain. Yet, I can’t walk away. There’s a darkness that surrounds the death of her sister, a secret that’s slowly killing her. I’m going to find out everything. This is the moment of truth to see if we can make it or if I’m nine years too late.

Maya's Review:

Swagger. What an apt title for this novel. This story has plenty of swagger.

Roxie's life is going nowhere fast. She would love to go to college but after the death of her sister in a apparent suicide and her father walks out of the remaining family, Roxie is left to take care of her mother alone and the family motel.

Back in town all of a sudden, Cruz is her childhood sweet heart who has been to juvie, the army and subsequently discharged. He suffers from PTSD and is haunted by memories of an abused childhood.

On paper these two shouldn't be together as they each carry so much baggage. But I love the instant connection they had right from the moment they meet up nine years after Cruz was suddenly arrested. They are both likeable and I warmed to them easily. The tenacity and determination Cruz has to solve the mystery around Roxie's sister's death is endearing and I turned the pages with bated breath to find out how things would conclude.

This author is new-to-me and I'm glad that I discovered her. If you enjoy new adult romance or romantic suspense, then go and pick up a copy of this swaggerlicious book.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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  1. Swaggerlicious review, Maya.

    Congrats Nikki on your exciting new release.
    Best wishes, Stella.

  2. Thank you, Stella. Have a great weekend.


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