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One tragic moment will test her-A Firefighter's Flame by Dani Hart #Giveaway

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If you dig into the deepest parts of your soul, what would you find? Happiness, pain, love, regret, peace, sorrow? Now imagine experiencing all those feelings at once and then nothing at all. These were the average days in the life of Lennox. An unhealthy and unstable mind is further challenged when fate intervenes. One tragic moment will test her wavering strength and leave a permanent scar on her conscience. Follow her journey of rediscovery, falling in love, and searching for her own fairy-tale ending.

AFF Front Cover
Dani Author Pic
Dani’s passion for writing started at a very young age. It all started with a multitude of diaries, then as her passion grew she turned to poetry and short stories. She received her Bachelor’s Degree at USC in Theatre with an unofficial minor in writing. While at USC she wrote her first screenplay and post-graduation was fortunate to be hired to write another screenplay. As family life got busy her passion was pushed aside, but as she fell back into the love of reading her desire to write again increased, so she returned to it in the summer of 2013. She is currently working on a YA Urban Fantasy Romance series, The Life of Arie, with book 1 already published, and a Romance Novel to be released on March 17, 2014. You can connect with Dani through her website www.danihartbooks.com.
There was a time in my life when the light within me shined so brightly. At some point I lost it. I lost me. Life used to course through my veins like an out of control wildfire, unstoppable and infectious. Time was supposed to heal, but all it did was slowly strip me down to an empty vessel void of passion, desire, and drive. I wanted to scream, “Be the one to save me,” but my soul was drained, my heart was shattered, and time had siphoned the life out of me.
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