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#CoverReveal - Love Knows No Bounds by Lorraine Britt

Releasing June 18, 2014


Delaney Cooper lives in Concord, Massachusetts with her uncle and aunt, Richard and Sarah Fuller, and their son Aaron.  The family purchases and lovingly renovates and restores a historic colonial home.  Upon moving in Laney discovers something very unusual and magical about her room…and comes face to face with someone she never should have never been able to meet.  Samuel Bradford is a young man caught up in the challenges facing colonial America. Once Laney and Samuel find each other will the timeless connection be enough to save Samuel and keep them together? 



Lorraine Britt is a fourth generation Native Texan who is also immensely proud of her Louisiana heritage and solid Southern roots. As an enthusiastic lover of the written word, inspiration struck Lorraine and she began to bubble over with her own ideas. Grasping hold of her lifelong dreams, it wasn’t long before she was putting pen to paper and letting her fingers fly over a keyboard to bring her own characters to life. When she isn’t busy scribbling notes for her next idea you might find her whipping up delicious creations in the kitchen or putting miles on her car on road trip adventures. Lorraine is equally passionate about music, movies and sports. You’ll no doubt find these familiar themes woven throughout her books. Lorraine and her family currently make their home in northeast Texas.

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Love Knows No Bounds

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