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In The Hot Seat with Miranda from The Thyme Trilogy by @T_J_Hamilton #Giveaway

In the Hot Seat Series, we put a character from a book in the hot seat and ask them 20 revealing questions.
Today, we have Miranda from The Thyme Trilogy by TJ Hamilton.
Thank you to Miranda and TJ for indulging us. Now on to the interview..

1.         What do you consider your greatest achievement? Finding love in an industry where men just want me for my body.

2.         What is your idea of perfect happiness? Sitting on a deserted beach drinking Pina-fucking-Coladas!

3.         What is your current state of mind? Finally at peace

4.         What is your most treasured possession? My cat!

5.         What or who is the greatest love of your life? Nick Davis, was, is and always will be.

6.         What is your most marked characteristic? My long legs.

7.         When and where were you the happiest? When I was with Nick.

8.         What is it that you most dislike? Tench, when he's being, well Tench!

9.         What is your greatest fear? Strangulation. It gives me nightmares constantly!

10.       What is your greatest extravagance? My whole life is one big extravagance. My clothes are usually the most fun, but it's the couture gown I wore to the ballet once. I ended up buying it, I had to. But it cost me nearly $14,000.

11.       What is your greatest regret? Not telling Nick I loved him when I had the chance.

12.       What is the quality you most like in a man? Someone who wants to protect me forever.

13.       What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? My heart tries to always override my head.

14.       What is the trait you most deplore in others? Men and their lack of respect for women!

15.       What do you most value in your friends? Their ability to keep me grounded with reality checks! Thanks Charlie!

16.       Who is your favorite heroine, fictional or real? My friend Liz. She is like a freaking superwoman!

17.       On what occasions do you lie? I always lie, I have to in order to survive!

18.       Which is your favorite word or phrase? Pina-fucking-coladas!

19.       What is your least favorite word or phrase? I love you

20.       If you could change one thing
 about yourself, what would it be? I would never have said yes to Miss Stephanie

Miranda is back … and she’s back with a vengeance. Her sight is set and her target is Tench. Too many people in her life have fallen at the hands of the man who has a strange obsession for with her. Could Miranda be his next victim?

She knows how her friend Sally died, but she still doesn’t know why. Could this information be the key to unlock everything the Agency needs to put Tench away forever? Or is an unlikely ally and a piece of her past the answer to it all?

Her heart may be torn with grief, but her head is filled with a burning reprisal. Could Tench’s unhealthy desire for Miranda be her best weapon against him … or will she push him too far?

“I don’t like what you do to me, Miranda.” He speaks in almost a growl as he grips onto a fist of my hair.
He rips my head back and I’m restricted in this position. My heart is in my throat and my knees shake involuntarily.
“So now I’m going to show you what you do to me, and you’re not going to like it.”
             I stare at him in the mirror but don’t say a word. A tear falls from my eye and catches the light on the way down my cheek, but I daren’t take my eyes off his. My nostrils flare as they draw in as much oxygen as possible to calm my terror.
             He’s not going to take from me anymore.    

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1 comment:

  1. This looks great. I'm looking forward to reading the books


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