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Is there life after war? Letters Home by @RebeccaBrooke6 #Giveaway #BookReview

Life is all about the jigsaw, right? Finding the different puzzle pieces to complete your very own picture. A career you love, a house to make a home, a lover to complete you, and keep you warm at night.

Danielle Renton has a life, and she loves it. A recent law school graduate, she’d been floored when her boyfriend, Nate Lewis, enlisted during their sophomore year of college. At the time, she’d been concerned with what that meant for them as a couple, but in the years that followed, they’d learned to adapt to the logistics of an army relationship. But when life throws her a curveball, how will she cope? Can she pick up the pieces and make her picture beautiful again? Or does she realize that, sometimes, the pieces can be too broken to fit back together…

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My heart beats for you and you alone. I know there will be hard times, times when you’re away and I wonder how I’m going to do it, but I promise to always let my love for you help me through those times—knowing that while I’m here missing you, you’re somewhere missing me. 

The kiss seemed to last forever, but it came to a point where I had to end it for fear of never wanting to leave. The tears in her eyes as I stood up to walk to the door broke something inside of me, something that wouldn’t be fixed until she was back in my arms again. 

His tongue parted my lips and slid into the warmth of my mouth.




My feet shuffled backwards until the back of my legs hit the bed but Nate didn’t stop moving. It wasn’t until he’d pushed me down onto the bed and covered his body with mine, did he lift his lips.


Rebecca Brooke grew up in the shore towns of South Jersey. She loves to hit the beach, but always with her kindle on hand. She is married to the most wonderful man, who puts up with all of her craziness. Together they have two beautiful children who keep her on her toes. When she isn’t writing or reading (which is very rarely) she loves watch SOA, TrueBlood, and The Walking Dead. She is also the author of the Forgiven Series.

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Maya's Review

When you'e had your life mapped out the way you want it and it's ticking along as planned, what happens when your plans come crashing down. What happens if you're thrown off course or have to start all over again? Will you be able to cope? Will you be able to start again?

These are the questions this books posed. To be honest I found it difficult reading this book. Not because it wasn't well written. But because it was harrowing. It felt too real at times. I spent times wiping away tears just so I could read it.

I'm really not going to give you spoilers although you can probably guess what happens. This is a good book, a beautiful story which is heart-rending and heart-warming too. Just make sure you have your box of tissues ready as you read it.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Rebecca Brooke

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