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Sand and Clay and Logan's Story by @BooksBy_Sarah #bookblitz

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In this prequel novella Logan Clay is a dreamy, starving artist working multiple jobs to support his ailing mother and unemployed father, all while pursuing his dream of becoming a famous musician. 

When luck shines on him, it looks like he might finally get the big break that he has been waiting for- that is until he meets Gina. 

The daughter of a record label executive, Gina Vile has the potential to make all of Logan’s dreams come true or destroy any chance he will ever have. Can fame and love go hand in hand?

Logan glanced up at the clock, he still had a little time before the band would get here to set up. He quickly stood up and pulled a few bills out of his pocket, tossing them onto the bar, then walked swiftly in the direction that she had gone. He swung the bar doors open fast and looked for her, finally spotting her rounding the corner of the building. Boosting to a jog, he went after her hoping not to lose her around the corner.

What am I doing? 

Logan was confused, but he wanted this woman whose name he didn’t even know. He rounded the corner so fast, he didn’t have time to look at what he was rushing into. His mystery woman was leaning against the brick siding, one long leather boot pressed against the brick below the hem of her short skirt. She was wearing a red plaid skirt, wrapped high on her waist with a tiny black sleeveless top covering her upper half. Her hair covered her face as he approached her slowly from the side, watching her fire up a lighter and dip the cigarette between her lips in to the flame. 

“Nobody ever told you that those fuckers will kill you?” Logan said in a low, ominous tone. This mystery woman may have some sort of hold over him, but he was going to take back control now. She glanced up at him and a quick flicker of fear slipped through the deep, green pools of her eyes. Then she pulled the still unlit cigarette from her lips, holding it between two fingers, and smiled at him. 

“Nobody ever tells me anything.” She grinned back at him, her eyes turning into a darker hue as she looked at the figure before her. The perfect blend of masculinity with his long, wavy brown hair and tanned skin, that chiseled jaw line littered with stubble, and a body that most weight lifters would envy. 

“You owe me.” Logan said, his voice turning husky as he grabbed the cigarette from her fingers and tossed it to the ground. He placed his hand on the brick wall beside her head and the other in his pocket as he leaned his massive figure over her tiny, thin frame. 

“For what?” She cocked her head to the side and her voice accidentally squeaked as she tried to sound irritated. She was irritated he had tossed her cigarette, but she was having trouble remembering that when she looked into his stormy, blue eyes. 

“The beer. And the attitude.” Logan said, pressing his body slightly closer to hers as he growled the last part of his statement. She felt his breath on the side of her neck as he whispered the last part into her ear. That was all she needed, she leaned up and her lips met his. Softly, she slipped her tongue out and slid it across his lower lip as she kissed him, but he didn’t move. His breath hitched and he couldn’t refrain any longer. 

Logan slid his hand behind her neck and crushed his lips down on hers, pulling her tight against him. His other hand slipped around her back and immediately grabbed her cheek, pressing her into him as he pushed his hips against her. She felt a shudder pass through her body as she felt how excited he was against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, mostly for support since her knees were threatening to turn into rubber at any moment.


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Young New York City socialite Caroline Sanders is perfectly satisfied with her life until the brooding rock star Logan Clay tramples all over her illusions and shows her just how much she has been missing.

There are a million reasons why they shouldn’t be together and their timing couldn’t possibly be worse. Nothing goes according to plan and Logan must choose between Caroline or his career. Caroline must choose between this newly found love or the life her parents had made for her.

As much as they fight their true feelings, fate keeps throwing them back into each other’s lives. Can they find a way to be together when they have every reason to run the opposite direction? Happy endings might not be for everyone...




Sarah Robinson is the three-time Amazon Bestselling Author of Sand & Clay, Tainted Bodies, and Tainted Pictures. Her very popular trilogy, The Photographer Trilogy, includes Tainted Bodies, Tainted Pictures, and the not yet released Untainted. Her latest publications include Sand & Clay and Logan’s Story, both in the Sand & Clay Series. All of her novels have reached Amazon’s Bestseller Rank in Crime, Crime, Thriller, Contemporary Romance, and/or Romantic Suspense. She also has a very large social media following, including over ten thousand Facebook fans.

Her writing often concentrates on the complexity of love in emotions, combining psychological complexities and human flaws to create very real characters that readers can relate with. Her work focuses on redemption and forgiveness, learning to build on what has been broken. Her characters are often in conflicting situations, leaving the reader to decide what is right and what is wrong. She uses her stories to hold a mirror up to the reader and ask them to see things they never knew, or had forgotten, about themselves.

Sarah Robinson is a native of the Washington, DC area and has both her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in criminal psychology. She is newly married to her soul mate, Justin, who is just as much of an animal rescue enthusiasts as she is. Together, they own a zoo of rescues including 2 dogs, 7 cats, and 5 turtles, as well as volunteering and fostering for multiple animal shelters.  You can check out Sarah's other books at http://astore.amazon.com/boobysarrob08-20

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