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Trying to get over You by @writerjdrivera #bargainbook 99cents

Trying to Get Over You
J.D. Rivera
TTGOY Front Cover
Synopsis: Choices in life are hard. College student Emily Reynolds has been in a three year relationship with Cooper Thomason but a few events has left their relationship shaken. She finds out she is pregnant and Cooper can’t give up his partying ways. Emily leaves Cooper and tries to find a life without him. She soon finds out a life without Cooper is harder than she thinks. Will Emily be able to move on from Cooper and find a relationship with another man or run back to him? *New Adult, 17+ for language.
 *To celebrate Trying to Get Over You First Birthday, the story and the cover has been revamped! Now including POV's from the male characters!*
****From June, 23rd - June, 27th, Trying to Get Over You is on sale for 99 cents!****
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  Author Bio:
JD Profile
J.D. Rivera lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two boys. Her life consists of school projects, homework, cartoon shows, and little league sports. She loves Diet Mountain Dew, the OKC Thunder, costume jewelry, the beach, and reading.

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  1. Thank you so much for post! <3 ~A

  2. I love the cover, it is hot! And the quote about enjoying being with each other.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Best wishes,


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