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#BookReview + #Giveaway His Wounded Rose by Lisagh J Winters #PNR #Ghosts

Soul Scavengers #2
His Wounded Rose
by Lisagh J. Winters
Publication Date: June 25, 2014


Paranormal investigator Sullivan Wilde and clairvoyant Olivia Emerson make it back to New York without killing one another, and are now joined at the hip for better or for worse. Back home again, Sullivan’s deep ingrained inability to make a commitment causes friction between them, almost driving Olivia to the breaking point. Sullivan’s young daughter Sabrina offers invaluable insights, while Olivia struggles to make their relationship work. Fellow investigators Kelly and Hudson Hayze, a brother and sister duo, along with their producer Arnav Bhandari, make up the rest of the Soul Scavengers family. The team members are excited to meet Olivia, and make no apologies for torturing their cranky colleague over the sins of his past, latching onto his obvious attraction to the fresh-faced clairvoyant. When the Soul Scavengers team find themselves called to a mysterious mansion in rural Illinois, they get a little more than they bargained for. Ghostly giggles, squeaky, bouncing beds, clinking champagne glasses and whispers of sweet nothings make it difficult for the team to concentrate, let alone proceed with their investigation. A hundred twenty-five year old love triangle threatens to expose a long-forgotten secret when the ghost of a heartbroken young paramour attempts to shed light on the mansion’s dark history.

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Olivia reveled in the salty-sweet taste of his skin. She mewed against the hardness of his shoulder as his thumb plied her taut nipple through the lace of her bra. The longer his lips lingered over her shimmering skin, the more possessed with desire she became. The hell with Sullivan saying he was addicted to her. She was the junkie and she knew it. Her fingers tucked just inside the waistband of his boxers and she pushed them as far down his hips as she could manage. He took over from there, kicking them off.
 “You make me crazy,” Sullivan murmured between delectable kisses and small, ravenous bites across her collarbone. “My God, I want you so bad.”
Only he was capable of inciting a full-on riot within her body. “You’re welcome,” Olivia rasped, feeling his hands move between their bodies.
He unbuttoned her jeans with one hand, slipping his fingers inside the front of her lace bikini panties. Olivia gasped, her stomach swirling around like fireflies on a moonlit night, and she bit at her bottom lip. He was barely touching her and she was vibrating beneath him.
Olivia squirmed under his hand, lightheaded and delirious. The heat was intense. “Gods…”
“I want you naked,” he demanded, and kissed her on the lips again.
He was gentle, every touch loving and deliberate. Her breath soon grew short and desperate, and she let loose a series of small, urgent gasps. She screamed against his shoulder, convulsing into a string of explosive spasms she couldn't prevent. His strong arms wrapped around her like a life preserver, holding her until she stopped trembling, and he kissed the top of her head.
“I love to watch you, Olivia,” he whispered. “It’s so beautiful.”

 About the Author

I'm Lisagh, and I've been writing since I was a kid. My imagination knows no bounds, I've been told. I wasn't sure that was a good thing or not at the time. Turns out, it WAS a good thing. I grew up in and around Vancouver, Canada, and have a fetish for snow. Winter is my season. Being born in the dead of it has something to do with that, I figure.
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Maya's Review

His Wounded Rose follows up on the story of Olivia and Sullivan. Ollie is a psychic medium and Sully is a paranormal investigator. Although is is obvious they are in a relationship (the opening scenes are of them together in bed, Sully having flown thousands of miles to be with Ollie) uncertainy abounds in what kind of relationship that is.

Ollie is keen to confirm and solidify her standing in Sullys life but he is unwilling to make the commitment she wants. I liked that Ollie wasn't pushy or tried to force the issue. In this book it was also easy to understand why Sully was reluctant to commit as more of his past is revealed. The way the story developed felt realistic and steady. The secondary characters are also interesting.

However, I struggled with the transitions between scenes and POV. It felt very choppy and gave me a virtual whiplash. One minute we're in Ollie's head and the next in Sully's with no warning or indication. It pulled me out of an enjoyable reading experience a few times.

Overall this is a good read though and fans of the Soul Scavengers series will enjoy this one. If you enjoy paranormal romance or ghost stories, you should give this a try.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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  1. Looks good to me. Entered to receive the giveaway, *fingers crossed*

    1. Best of luck with the giveaway, Jes. Thanks for stopping by.



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