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#TeaserTuesday + Opening Paragraph KAIROS by @authorkjcoakley #PNR

Welcome back to Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading and First Chapter, First Paragraph hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea.

This week I'm reading Kairos, a paranormal romance by K.J. Coakley. I'm almost done with this and the review will be up soon.

Here's the opening paragraph:

Ever wonder what your life would be like if something monumental happened and changed the course of your future? Well, I used to fantasize about that until one day it did happen. The big it, the larger-than-life moment—and that was when my life completely changed. Nothing would ever be the same again, the simplicity of life and enjoyment that comes with living in the moment. Ah…I used to savor life like it was my favorite Popsicle.

Here's the teaser:

“Logan, all of my life I’ve never fit in. I’ve always been the girl on the outside looking in. Nothing has ever felt quite right…until now. I feel it, Logan. I feel it to very depths of my soul. This is what I was meant to do. I have finally found the missing link.” ~ page 144, ePub

Here's the blurb:

What if the enticing man who has just seized your every sense enlightens you to realms beyond our dimension? Can that spark of love withstand a war to protect mankind?  Kairos: An Enmortals Series Novel by K. J. Coakley is the spellbinding novel that reveals that the deepest love need not be confined to the trappings of one world.

The first in a series of paranormal romances, Kairos swirls in mankind, magic, and mythology as it chronicles the first blush of yearning between Sulwen Macgregor, a shy and sheltered college senior, and Logan Thatcher, a mesmerizing former playboy with arresting good looks, an offbeat sense of humor, and an ironclad moral code. When the two meet, Sulwen has no inkling that she soon will embark on an odyssey that not only exposes Logan as other than mortal, but uncovers astonishing aspects of her own being as well.

As Logan saves Sulwen from fast-approaching peril, the two must discover if their love is truly without bounds and strong enough to fend off adversaries far more craven than they ever could fathom. With wild imagination, otherworldly passion, and heart-pumping action, Kairos goes where no human being has dared, all in the name of love. 

What do you think? Would you read on? Leave me a comment and thank you for your patience as I return your blog visit.

Maya xx

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Teaser Tuesday


  1. Sorry, this isn't a me kind of book- hope u like it though.

  2. Probably not for me, but I hope you enjoy it:)

  3. Wow, I really could feel her words. She's found the missing link, what a good feeling.

  4. Ooh this sounds really good! I'm usually not very big on paranormal, but I love the Teaser! It's great to have a female character so passionate about what's she's doing rather than whom! Thanks for sharing :) Hope you have a great week!
    My Intro & Teaser
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. My favorite kind of romances are the kind that have a strong fantasy/paranormal element. This sounds like it would be good. I hope you are enjoying it.

  6. Not sure if I would read it, but it does sound fun and exciting for the right audience--enjoy it!

  7. I'm not sure the big moment ever arrives in real life--I guess that's why we read books :) Enjoy your book. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  8. I'd keep reading for sure! Thanks for sharing! Here's my Teaser Tuesday!

  9. From the opening, it's hard to tell if the "something monumental" was a good thing or a bad thing! Although I'm not much into paranormal, I'd keep reading to find out more.
    My Teaser is from THE FRIENDSHIP STAR QUILT.

  10. The opener is great, I would want to know what that life-changing moment is.
    Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  11. Sounds more than a little melodramatic. I'd have to see some very good reviews before I gave it a try. My teasers are from Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh and Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne. Happy reading!

  12. I love the cover. Thanks for sharing. Here is My Teaser

  13. I'm not sure if this would be for me. The opening is good though, so I would read more. Enjoy!

  14. Hmm, the opening lines and teaser piqued my interest....but this one doesn't sound like my cup of tea. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  15. Ah, this sounds sweet. Hope you like it. Here's Mine

  16. It sounds like it could be good.


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