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What is your favorite summer read? #Books #Giftcards #Giveaway

Welcome to the Summer Reads blog hop event hosted by Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup. Over here we're sharing some of the books we're looking forward to reading this summer.

I've got so many books I want to read and so little time. Here is a sample of some of the books on my shelf I'm yet to read.

And here are some eBooks we're looking forward to reading this summer.

Erotic Contemporary Romance
Available now in eBook
Out in audio book in August 2014

Erotic Romantic Suspense
sequel to The Arrangement
Out August 2014

Contemporary Romance
next book in The Essien Trilogy, following Keeping Secrets
out August 28, 2014

Erotic Paranormal Romance
next book in her Witches Mischief / Naughty Fairy Tales series
out August 2014

Erotic Paranormal Romance
out 25 August 2014


Want to be one of the first to read any of the above books? Here's your chance. Simply complete the rafflecopter entries. A winner will be selected at the end of this event to pick one of the above ebooks. The book will be sent once it is released. Good luck.
Please note, The Good Sister will be given away as an audio book. The rest are eBooks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand Prize Raffle

There will be two Grand Prize winners one for a $100 Amazon Gift Card and a second for a $30 Amazon Gift Card

Follow the hop

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  1. The book I am anticipating the most this summer is Wray by M.K. Eidem..August 30th!!!!!!!!!!

  2. one more chance by Abbi Glines

  3. Magic Breaks due out 7/29 is the one I'm looking forward to the most.

  4. I'm looking forward to the next Eloisa James on my reading list.

  5. The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness.

  6. Alive at Five by Linda Bond!

  7. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood by Diana Gabaldon

  8. Reality Bites by Gail Koger.


  9. I am looking forward to reading Rule Breaker by Lora Leigh.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  10. Dark blood by Christine Feehan and Son of no One by Sherrilyn Kenyon both come out on Sept2 so I'm looking forward to them.
    sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com

  11. I'm looking forward to reading Deborah Harkness' trilogy.

  12. This summer I am looking forward to The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness.


Leave a comment and I will return the visit.
Have a nice day.

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