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#Coverreveal Holly Madison by @JenKhan_Author #giveaway

Coming: September 2014

I'm Holly. I wear pencil skirts, heels, and never have a hair out of place. Well, that was until I met Tristan Holt. Now, my hair is always a freakin' wreck, whether it's due to being on the back of his motorcycle, or because he's pullin it. He's a dominant one. Either way, he's changed me, helped me to step outside of my comfort zone.

He's also a player, bad boy type who runs his own MMA gym on the outskirts of Tryon. His very own fight club, if you will. I wonder if there are rules there like in the movie. Probably not.

The man infuriates me, sets my blood to boil. I let him worm his way into my thoughts and my heart like a stupid, stupid little girl. Even worse? I can tell he is falling for me. That is, until he finds out about my secret.

Now, in my defense, I didn't even know it was as bad as it is until all of the horrifying pieces are put together.

My father continues to ruin my life one effing blow after another from the comfort of his very own jail cell. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that he murdered a woman, did I? Well, watch how that blows up in my face.

Before I knew it, I found myself pinned to the wall holding my breath, covering my mouth so that I didn’t scream at the top of my lungs.
The leggy blonde who I will now refer to as Giggles, because she giggled incessantly was well…giggling. Tristan was moaning. How the hell could he go from me last night to that in there tonight?
I heard the sound of a zipper followed by a male hiss and a female giggle/gasp. I thought I was going to be sick. My eyes roamed the hall leading to the office taking in the clothing that was discarded throughout. Then her lacy bra went sailing through the air in what seemed to be slow motion, like in one of those Bruce Willis action flicks, landing poetically at my feet.
My mouth watered and I could feel the bile slowly trudging up my throat. I needed to get the hell out of there and fast.
I squeezed my eyes and covered my ears when she giggled.
It was time to make my escape. I tilted my head back, opened my eyes looking to the heavens for guidance and thought, “God are you there? It’s me, Holly.” Nothing. “No?” Of course not.
“Leave your message after the beep” was more like the response I was used to.
I skirted by the office unnoticed only to be captured by Giggles’ lacy bra that had tangled itself firmly around my ankle and held on for dear life. I lifted my leg doing a one legged hop trying to shake it off but the damn thing wouldn’t give up. It had me in a death grip. I reached down, grabbed the bra, peeled it from my ankle and slung it behind me as I ran out the back door.

Jen Khan is that very unassuming gal at first sight due to her quiet nature, but look out when she lets you into her world. Buckle up and get ready for an adventure. You will find her at a party, or just out and about with friends sitting in the corner taking a minute to assess her surroundings and the people in it before she dives in with her quick wit, charm and slinging her endless supply of sarcasm. She's a mom, aunt, teacher, dancing puppet to little people, chauffer, walking ATM, and master of all things domestic. She loves her son, family, friends, wine, giggling, singing out of tune and dancing like a fool. She has a zest for life that rubs off on everyone in her presence.

Jen has always been an aspiring writer/author. She woke up one morning realizing that it was time to make it happen. She is a teacher by trade which allowed her to put her skills to use. You will find adventure, suspense and always romance in her books.

Jen lives in Northern Virginia with her son. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her going out for a run, on her treadmill or with her beloved Kindle in hand.


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