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Will history repeat itself? ALANA by @JPStevens79 new #book #wolfshifters

Hello to you, and welcome to my take over on LBAS. I have to be honest, I’m a little overwhelmed with all the support I have received from fellow authors with the release of Alana, my first publication. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jessica Stevens and I thought I would stop by here and tell you a little bit about myself and my book.

I was born in Northern Ireland and moved to the UK when I was only 6 weeks old. I am married to a fantastic man and we have three beautiful (challenging at times) children, ranging from nine years to 23 months. Yes I am in denial about the nearly two thing, he is my baby.

Growing up I was always writing songs and poems. The way words were used to tell a story or express a feeling always stuck with me. I had such admiration for people who were so expressive with their words.

I started writing a few years ago, dabbling with stories and taking my time to get to know my voice. It was only when I started writing for Nano WriMo that I embarked on a story that stuck. I mean really took over. I cannot remember what actually sparked off the story, but I can tell you it has certainly changed from what I thought was going to happen. Once the story started, the characters took over and I had no real direction.

I can tell you that Angie Harmon is the inspiration for Alana. I am a big fan of Rizzoli and Isles, and I started writing Alana when the first series of this started on U.K. T.V. When I saw her on T.V I was like “Oh my god, that’s Alana!”

And now, a few years later, it is being published. This is my cover:

I have to say the cover art designer has done a fantastic job with matching my requests. I love the wolf in the moon and the meadow laid out just before the forest starts. The model for Alana is Spot on too. Sorry I know, I’m getting a bit much now.

Alana Knight has the power to control the minds of animals, including shifters, who want her dead. A tragic past has meant that Alana has spent most of her life in hiding. Concealed as a conservationist she’s helped reintroduce wolves back into the wild. A dead body on her land proves her enemies have found her. She has no choice but to call on her protectors.
Detective Nick Valaskin has been secretly watching over Alana for years. He had vowed to protect her since coming of age. When she calls the police about a dead body on her grounds, Nick takes no chances and goes to her protection. Face to face with his childhood companion, it’s not long before passion burns between them. It puts Alana’s life in more danger than Nick could have imagined. Torn between love and a promise Nick struggles, but together they face Alana’s tragic past in the hope of preventing history from repeating itself.

“Hello, Miss Knight,” he called to her softly. She looked up at his dark, sunken eyes and couldn’t help but pity the man, having worked through the night, and still having to come and speak to her.
“Can I get you a coffee, Detective?” she asked him with a nervous smile.
He looked up at her as she stepped down off the stool and headed round the counter to the kettle, already anticipating his answer to be “yes.”
“Coffee would be great, thanks,” he replied, returning her smile. “I do need to ask you some questions, Miss Knight, about the body and the break-in to your cabin. I don’t want to keep you in the dark here, for your own safety.” He paused, so she turned around and met his gaze. She tucked her long, wavy black hair behind her ear, the way she always did when nerves got the better of her.
 “We have found evidence that the two incidents are related,” Nick said, and the sugar container dropped from her hand, spilling its contents all over the side.
Alana was shaking, but she tried to clear up the mess. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “It was just a shock, that’s all. I’m fine.” She tried to convince him as he put his arms around her. It surprised her how safe she felt in his arms. Nick then nodded to PC Cox to finish the coffee.
She walked with him as he led her out of the kitchen and into the front room.
The room had dark oak wooden floors, which were broken up by a very large, silvery cream shag pile rug, neatly placed in front of a small fireplace. The soft, inviting cream-colored sofa was placed opposite the fire, with a large bay window looking out at the access lane to her property. The walls were cream and the décor broken up with red curtains and cushions for the sofa, and a red–colored beanbag resting at the side of the fireplace.
Around the room there were other red furnishing, lamps and ornaments in the alcoves, but on the whole, it was a very minimalistic room. Usually the room made Alana relax, but that didn’t happen today.
Nick let her go as she sat on the sofa. She sat with her legs tucked up under her as she rested her head back.
If she was scared before, she was shitting herself now. She had known there was more to the body being on her land when Aatu had filled her mind with images of the murdering wolf confused with images of a man. Her fears were further confirmed when she returned to find the cabin broken into. The fact the Detective had found evidence to link the two was just the icing on the cake. And now she couldn’t contact her father.
PC Cox entered the room and placed two cups of coffee on the table next to the sofa. Alana managed a quiet “thank you” and he returned her gratitude with a smile.
“Cox.” Detective Sorin said. “You and Lang head on over to the cabin and make sure the forensics have everything they need. Then I want you to circulate the perimeter of the two buildings, see if anything gives.”
PX Cox nodded acceptance of his duties and backed out of the living room. Alana looked at the detective, who was still standing, waiting for him to speak. The silence in the room was broken with the sound of the back door closing as the other two PCs left her house.
Nerves crept through her body, and her skin crawled as the detective slowly removed his dark-grey suit jacket, his eyes focused on her. He stepped closer to where she sat and started to unbutton his shirt at the neck. Alana swallowed hard, unsure of what do to. One part of her mind told her that he was just getting comfortable, while the other part told her to run.
She drew a deep breath as he moved down to the second button. “What are you doing?” Her voice as assertive as she could manage, she tried to hide the panic. It was the way he smiled at her then that had her heartbeat thumping in her ears. It was a slow, easy smile, with eyes that twinkled with mischief as he continued to watch her. He now moved on to the third button and took another step closer to her.
Alana was about to stand up and make a dash for the door as his hand slipped inside his own shirt. Curiosity got the better of her and she sat still, waiting. He pulled out a black threaded necklace with a silver pendant the size of a fifty pence piece.
Instantly she recognized the pendant, and adrenaline pumped through her body and made her feel light headed. She stood up and reached out to touch the circular coin with the figure of a wolf’s head embossed on it. It had the word “Altor” inscribed, meaning “protector” in Latin. An old family name her father had given to his protector, as his father had done before that. She smoothed her thumb over the coin’s surface, and looked deep into the detective’s eyes, not trusting what her gut was telling her.
“Alana, your father sent me.”

I hope you enjoyed that. As I said earlier, it is release day, so you can purchase Alana now, from:


Please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you. If you would like to know more, you can find me on twitter or follow me on Facebook. You can also find out more on my web site. Just click on the links below.

You can contact me from my website @ www.jessicastevensauthor.com
You can follow my blog: http://jp-stevens.blogspot.co.uk/
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006515566274
Or follow me on Twitter @JPStevens79

I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, take care.
Jessica xXx

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Jessica Stevens


  1. Congratulations, Alana! I look forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kiru. I really hope you enjoy the read xxx

  2. It's nice to meet you, Alana. You book looks great.

  3. Thanks Maya. Nice to meet you too.


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