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#BookReview Echoes in the Darkness by @JaneGodman #Gothic #Romance

Echoes in the Darkness Blurb
Not betrothed, but beguiled. In artistic circles she is the Divine Dita, the most sought-after nude model in Paris. But now she’s not so much posing as playing a role: fiancée to the next Earl of Athal. The charade is a favor to Dita’s friend, Eddie Jago, a dissolute painter…and the aforementioned heir. As deceptions go, it is innocent compared with what will come.

On the grim Cornish coast, from the ashes of a ruined castle rises the Jagos’ sumptuous new manor house. The fresh-hewn stone, however, cannot absorb the blood of centuries or quiet the echoes of past crimes. Dita struggles to decipher the family: the infirm Earl and his inscrutable wife; resentful Eddie; sheltered sister Eleanor. And Cad: the handsome second son whose reputation is spotless in business—scandalous everywhere else. Drawn by friendship, ensnared by lust, Dita uncovers a sordid tangle of murder, desire and madness. It will lay her bare as no portraitist has done before.

Maya's Review

I rarely read Gothic novels these days so this was a welcome break from my usual fare and I enjoyed it. Although I hadn't read the previous book in this series, it was easy for me to grasp the history of Tenebris. 

The author weaves a story of mystery and murder, of horror and romance, knitting the seperate pieces together very well. The tension and suspense is well done, one minutes your burning up as romance blossoms and the next you are left with chills down your spine at the mayhem been unravelled.

Dita is on the run from a man who wants her at all costs and poses as a nude model to earn a living. When Eddie, her best friend, invites her back to his family home in Cornwall, they have to pose as betrothed. While she feels safe escaping Paris, she isn't aware of the danger that lurks in her new home. Past crimes still haunt Tenebris and it seem as new murders are discovered, the past is being relived in the present.

If Murder Mysteries, Gothic Romances or Romantic Suspense are your thing, you really can not go wrong with this one. It is very well crafted and will reel you in from the first page

Meet Dita Vargo in this Hot Seat Interview.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I paused. Had I really almost blurted out the truth? I had to be careful not to allow this burning attraction to cause me to lower my guard. “I came here from Austria.” The words came out on a sigh as his long fingers parted my legs and slid inside me.
“Your accent does not sound Austrian,” he stated, the distant politeness of his tone contrasting with the relentless pressure of his thumb on my clitoris.
“My mother was English,” I gasped. It was very difficult to remain aloof and evasive in the circumstances. He started to kiss my neck, and, hovering on the brink of orgasm, I found I couldn’t speak anymore.
“Well, wherever you are from, it’s very nice to meet you,” he murmured, as, with strong, commanding hands, he turned me onto my stomach and raised my buttocks. In the same movement, he positioned himself between my legs and replaced his questing fingers with the iron-hard length of his cock. I came instantly, screaming with pleasure as, holding my hips steady, he thrust in and out of my shuddering body.  
We spent that night and most of the next day in bed, only venturing into the kitchen once in search of bread and wine. “You have the most amazing mouth I have ever seen,” he said as we sat on the bed, sharing this feast. “Almost a perfect cupid’s bow, but your lips are just a little too full, a touch too sensual. Beautiful mouth—belle bouche—how do you say it in your language?”
“It does not sound quite so pretty,” I said, achingly aware of the perfection of his mouth. Kissing him was the second most wonderful thing that had happened to me. Making love to him was the first. “It is ‘szép száj.’” I spoke Hungarian without thinking.
“No,” he said, continuing to study my lips dispassionately, “that definitely does not do you justice. I will call you bouche instead.” I decided it was the most wonderful endearment I had ever heard. I used the mouth he admired so much to show my appreciation.   
I studied his slumbering face in the faded afternoon of the next day, and an unexpected jolt of sweet-sharp sadness tugged at my chest. I knew what it was, of course, but I could not afford to acknowledge it. I had made myself a promise, one I could not break. I slid from his embrace and quietly, in an effort not to disturb him, dressed.
As I tiptoed to the door, his sleep-filled voice halted me. “Where are you going?”
“To change my clothes and reassure my roommate that I am still alive.”
“Don’t be too long, bouche,” he murmured, pulling a pillow over his head to shut out the light. In muffled accents, he added, “And get back here before dark. Another girl was murdered two nights ago.”

Purchase Links

I am an avid reader and I have always enjoyed writing (I still have a copy of the medieval novel I wrote, in felt tip pen, when I was 14!).
Gothic romances—love stories with a dash of horror and a creepily ever after—are my favourite genre. I write gothic romances for HarlequinE in their Shivers line. These stories are heavily tinged with the supernatural and elements of horror, with haunted characters tormented by dark secrets.
I live in England and love to travel to European cities which are steeped in history and romance. Venice, Dubrovnik and Vienna are amongst my favourites. I am married to a lovely man and am mum to two grown up children. 
I love to hear from readers and can be contacted at:
Twitter: @JaneGodman
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6923685.Jane_Godman

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