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Does running from the past help? Beautifully Tainted by A.M. Guilliams #booktour


Blog Tour
Beautifully Tainted (Beautifully,#1)
by A.M. Guilliams

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Does running from the past help? Does becoming someone else even for a little while make the pain go away? Join Emily and Matt in their journey to find themselves and possibly each other.

Needing to get away from everything and everyone Emily Jackson decides to let fate decide where she should go. Spinning the globe and landing her finger, fate decided that Maine was where she would end up.

Two years later, Emily has become the new her. She keeps everyone at a distance for her own personal reasons. No one knows the real her. No one knows the pain she holds inside. She’s created a mask and walls that were necessary for her survival. It’s all a front though. She just can’t confront those demons. It’s too hard. She has made a vow to herself to never let another living being in. The pain isn’t worth the connection and bonds that would be formed. Until the new detective arrives.

Matt Anderson needs a change. The tragic events of that day haunt him constantly and he can’t take it anymore. He decides running away is the only way to get away from the constant reminders that consume him. He decides the further away the better and spins the globe. Maine it is then. A new place, new faces, and a new job are exactly what he needs right now.
The moment their eyes meet, both Emily and Matt feel the instant connection, but they both decide that they need to ignore it to protect their sanity and hearts. They avoid each other at all costs. But Fate has other plans. Fate brings them together on a night that could’ve had a bad ending.

Can Emily and Matt let go just a little to see where things could lead as more than friends? Can they let go of their demons long enough to realize that what they need most could be each other? Or will they continue to live beautifully tainted?

****Suitable for those 18 and older due to language, sexual content, and violence,****

About the Author

A.M. Guilliams was born and raised in a small town in Southern Virginia. Even though she moved to the city in her early twenties, she is still a country girl at heart. She loves being outdoors and traveling to new places. She's been writing since she was a teenager, but started writing her first novel in 2013. She has been with her high school sweetheart for the past twelve years. She's a mother to three beautiful children, two girls and a boy. She also has three pets, a German Sheppard, a Chocolate Lab, and a ferret. When she's not writing, she has an obsession with her Kindle.

She loves to travel with her children and take them to new places when she has the time. Since she loves the outdoors so much, her and her family spend a lot of time on the water and at the beach during the summer months.

Where to find A.M. Guilliams

Amazon Author Page ~ http://tinyurl.com/npsmtbw

Book Soundtrack

Spotify ~
Beautifully Tainted ~ Beautifully Tainted Playlist
Beautifully Together ~ Beautifully Together Playlist

Where to find Beautifully Tainted

Amazon Links:
Series Facebook Page ~ http://tinyurl.com/pmtohsp


Beautifully Tainted:
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Beautifully Together: Coming Soon


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