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Will distance tear them apart? Unspoken Endings @gabbiesduran #giveaway

Will the distance tear them apart?

With every difficulty Matt and Abigail have faced since the day they met, they’ve depended on their trust and love in each other to see them through. But what happens when absence becomes their biggest obstacle? 

When Abigail follows her heart to pursue her career, she is forced to leave Matt behind. Confident that their love is strong enough to withstand the distance put between them, they believe they will soon come back to each other. But when a danger from their past threatens their future, Matt may just lose her forever. 

Their love in one another will be put to the test, and only time will tell if they can truly find their unspoken ending.
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I can’t breath. He’s literally stealing the breath from me as his fingers tighten around my throat, his body pinning me down. His hand squeezes harder. My heart accelerates to a dangerous level, feeling as if it will burst from my chest, but I refuse to give up. I can’t. It would mean he wins. With all the strength I have left, I keep trying to push his body off. My hands claw at his face and somehow I manage to gouge his eyes with my fingernails. With a wail, he rises off my body and loosens his grip around my neck.

With all my might, I swing my arm up and my fist makes contact with his face; it shocks him momentarily, allowing me to push him off enough to wiggle my way from under him. I’m still breathless, barely able to move, but my only thought is escape.

“Get back here, you bitch!” he shouts as he grabs onto my ankle, my body pulled to a stop. Turning around, I kick him with my other foot and manage to break free once more.
I don’t have the strength yet to stand up, but I manage to frantically crawl from his grasp to keep him from pulling me down again. My fear and determination is what keeps me moving. Sucking in a deep breath of air, I force myself up to my feet and start to run.

I’m running for my life at this point. My feet are moving on instinct, doing what they know best as they attempt to put distance between us. I can hear him chasing me; his panting breaths mere steps behind me, but I keep running, never looking back.

“You think you can get away from me, Abigail?”
His words fuel my fear, causing my legs to pump harder and my body to move faster, the air swooshing by me, the world passing in a blur. I know he’s no longer behind me, but I can still hear his panicked shouts.

“You belong to me! I’ll find you and you’ll regret ever leaving me!”

There isn’t anything exciting about me, besides having a uniquely spelled name….

Yes, it’s spelled Gabbie. 

I’m a mom first, a wife second, and then a crazy girl who won’t hesitate to take on a challenge. That’s how I found my passion for writing. My daughter challenged me to write a book, and I did.

I was born and raised in Southern California. I live with my wonderful husband, two amazing kids and a senior citizen kitty named Tigger. When I’m not writing you can find me reading or sneaking off for a run. Some might say it’s a crazy life, but I wouldn’t change anything about it.


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Unspoken Endings

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