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#BookReview Honor's Debt by @noelle_clark #contemporaryromance

Title: Honor's Debt
Author: Noelle Clark
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: November 13, 2014

On a quest to make amends for a long-ago indiscretion, Honor unexpectedly discovers the one thing she’s been missing in her life.

Honor Quirk arrives in Ireland excited—and a bit anxious—about meeting up with the estranged family of her late great-grandmother. The welcome from the residents of Robinhill Farm, Dermot and Bryan, is confusing and far from comforting. One is warm, the other aggressive. The outwardly antagonistic Bryan makes it very clear he doesn't want her there, branding her a gold digger.

Dermot, on the other hand, is delighted to meet her.

But Honor is no pushover and stands up to Bryan, letting him know that his bad attitude and trail of baggage have nothing to do with her. Despite their confrontational and hostile relationship, an undeniable attraction to each other creeps insidiously into the house on Robinhill Farm. They both desperately try to stifle the sparks, but living under the same roof makes it impossible. Unable to cope with the turmoil of living with Bryan, Honor runs away, straight into the arms of a charming newfound friend, Sean, who offers her a home—and love.

Shattered, Bryan finally takes control of his irrational belief that all women are evil, and fights to bring back the woman he loves. But is it too late?

Secret Cravings Publishing

Maya's Review

I enjoyed this heart-warming and sensual romance. The author has a wonderfully descriptive style that draws you in and grounds you in the scene as if you are watching it all unfold on the big screen. The characters are engaging. I immediately connected with Honor and her quest. She is strong and determined. I felt the warmth of the Irish community she settles in.
Although Bryan came across as brooding and abrasive, I understood the reasons for his behavior. Their attraction to each other is undeniable and I enjoyed the chemistry between them.
This is a lovely story, told well and I'm happy to recommend it to all romance lovers.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Noelle Clark is an Australian author of contemporary romance and historical novels. Her books weave romance, intrigue, and adventure into colourful and often exotic locations around the world. Widely travelled, Noelle uses real life experience of places, culture, and people, as a backdrop to her stories, giving the reader an authentic taste of the location. Her novels feature strong, mature, heroines and heroes, who—often without knowing it—are ready for new beginnings.

She lives close to the sea and shares her home with two cats and two dogs. She has two grown up children, and five very small grandchildren. When Noelle's not writing and travelling, she plays guitar, tends her vegetable garden, enjoys the company of family and friends, and—of course—reading.

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Noelle Clark


  1. Maya and LoveBites Reviews, thank you very much for hosting me today, and for the review. I very much appreciate the time and trouble you have taken. Thank you. Best wishes from Noelle Clark.


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