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#BookReview The Angel of Death by Blair Babylon #book out Dec23rd

The Angel of Death
(Police Snipers and Hostage Negotiators #1)
An Angel Day Novel
DECEMBER 23, 2014


Maya's Review

Angel Day is one cool, calm and collected lead sniper. I totally loved her  from the beginning as she earns her place in the FBI Hostage Rescue Team. In this story, we see her in a hostage situation with a gunman who has duck taped a shotgun to a woman's head. Angel is all set up and thinks she and her team can take the man down. But the situation quickly escalates. Thankfully she fires the shot and the hostage is saved with minor injuries. Loved her in that scene. She is the kind of person you'd want on your side if you ever got into a hairy situation of being held hostage. She certainly takes no prisoners.
She really has earned the title of 'Angel of Death.'
There are a host of other engaging characters that I liked, especially Tony the police chief who was also Angel's cousin. The dynamic between those two was interested to read. Also interesting that she seems to be related to half the other characters in one or another. Another great dynamic was around the sniper team and how methodical they are when they have a situation to deal with. Part of this reminded me of the TV series Flashpoint.

When Angel and her team have to deal with another hot situation, imagine her shock when her brother Wyatt is on the wrong side of her rifle scope. And how is Angel going to get him out of a bad rapidly escalating situation fast. For me this is where the story really gets gripping and I couldn't wait to find out what happened.
If you enjoy police procedural or police tactical team drama, then you'll enjoy this one.

To protect and to serve, or to save her own brother?
Angel Day, the lead sniper for the Phoenix Police Department, got her nickname “The Angel of Death” the old-fashioned way: she earned it for her ruthless efficiency at stopping crimes with one well-placed bullet. When a massive call-out down by the Mexican Border reveals a terrorist cell and turns into a standoff, Angel’s youngest brother, the lost soul of her family, texts her that he is inside that barricaded house, and her orders are to shoot anything that moves.
See The Angel of Death at:

Praise for Blair C. Babylon’s other books:
“This is why [Blair C. Babylon] is an author to watch!” ~ Booklist (starred review)
"I stumbled upon this series a few months ago while searching through e-books for the kindle. Out of all of the books I've read, this is by far the best. I have never been the type to read things in installments, but this is the first time I've faithfully awaited each new episode release. The story … is great, the characters are believable, and I can never really guess what is going to happen next. What more could you want in a series?" ~Amazon Review
“This series just takes my breath away. Breathless!!!! That's how this book made me feel from beginning to end. It was one of those books I just couldn't put down until some of my questions were answered. I was constantly on the edge of my seat anxiously hoping it would turn out the way I hoped. I had this same sense of anxious excitement from the very first book of this series and it has not left me yet. This is not your typical cliched novel, where you can tell practically from the first page what is going to happen. Oh no! This book has you waiting with bated breath to see what happens next. I cannot wait for the next book. Ms. Babylon is a genius, who proves every skeptic who says all novels are alike, wrong!” ~Amazon Review
USA Today Bestselling Author Blair C. Babylon is the nom de plume of an award-winning author who used to publish literary fiction under another name. Because professional reviews of her literary fiction usually included the caveat that there was too much plot, too many interesting twists, and too much sex, she decided to abandon all literary pretensions, let her freak flag fly, and write intense thrillers and naughty romantic suspense.

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