Title: Chasing December
Author: E. Montgomery
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: December 19, 2014
Chase, the new guy in town, stumbles upon December’s Light while on the search for a birthday gift for his sister. He finds a lot more than the perfect scented candle inside the shop though.
But can December allow her heart to open up to this man after she learns his secret?
E. Montgomery was born in Williamsburg, Virginia and raised in Yorktown, Virginia; so paranormal inspiration was easily obtained. She is working on a few books due out in 2015, paranormal and contemporary. When not attached to her laptop, E. Hammond has 4 wonderful children and a nursing degree that likes to rob her of writing time. Some favorites include: Reading (of course), writing (well duh), baking fancy-schmancy cakes, painting and last but not least hanging out with her amazing husband.
Cheeky cover! Very nice.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely cover. Thanks, Stella