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#CoverReveal #Giveaway No One's Surrender by Kelly Walker #book out Dec-29

Title: No One's Surrender
Series: Chadwell Hearts #3
Author: Kelly Walker
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 29, 2014

Chelsea Arnold is not a Chadwell, as her mother incessantly reminds her. 

And if she doesn’t learn to play the game, she’ll never see a dime of her new step-daddy’s money. So Chelsea puts on the act and dutifully follows the Chadwell family rules: everyone has to work in the family bar to learn life lessons. Little do they know, she already knows the biggest lesson of all: the best thing to be is underestimated. Then they’ll never see you coming. And in a few more weeks when she’s tucked enough cash away, she’ll be out of here, leaving her new family and her washed-up mother behind, because all Chelsea wants is freedom. Inheritance be damned.

But when her step-father learns he has a son he never knew about, it throws her plan off the tracks. While another son and an ex-wife sharing her husband’s affections are too much for Chelsea’s mother to handle and she heads for the hills, the rough around the edges Warren “Ware” Chadwell is enough to tempt Chelsea to stay. Despite the fact that all he has to offer is everything she’s determined to shy away from, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks knows how to push her buttons in all the right ways, no matter how wrong it is.
Ware’s voice is low and quiet, like he’s trying not to wake me if I’ve already fall asleep. “Chelsea? Can I come in?”
I hold my breath, trying to contain the sobs wracking my shoulders, hoping he’ll think I’m sleeping.
“I can hear you crying, so I know you’re not asleep.”
Footsteps tap softly toward the bed.
“I didn’t say you could come in.” I sniffle miserably.
The edge of the bed dips beneath Ware’s weight and his hand cups my shoulder. “You spend so much time taking care of everyone else, but who holds you when it’s your turn to fall down?”
“I’m more than capable of picking myself up.” My voice wobbles, undermining my words.
“I know you can, but that doesn’t mean that sometimes you don’t just want someone to take care of you, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I say so quietly it can hardly even be called a whisper. Before I even realize I’ve spoken out loud, Ware has scooped me up and he’s sliding beneath me, crushing me against his chest. I want to resist, because to say I’m conflicted about where he fits into everything would be a ginormous understatement. I’m still not sure if he’s the enemy, or a potential ally, but his warmth burns away my barriers, and the tears flow more freely. I go from steady tears and soft sobs to ugly crying without any preamble. My dam has broken and the raw emotion surges through.
I’m vaguely aware of Ware stroking my hair while his other arm around my waist keeps me glued to him. He hums softly, something soothing and serene, that sounds vaguely familiar. As he hums, he keeps stroking my hair and my body begins melting into him. Before I can ask him what he’s humming, he begins to softly sing and my heart stops. His voice is hauntingly beautiful, and I’m afraid to even breathe, afraid he’ll stop. It takes me a moment to place the song, but I think it’s Lullabye by Shaun Mullins. It’s haunting and sad and soulful all at once, sending a shiver up my spine from the chilling beauty of it.
His hand freezes and he pauses mid song. “Sorry, are you cold?” He tugs at the blanket, trying to pull it from underneath us.
“No. Not cold,” I say, lifting my head to peer up at him.
“Appalled by my singing then?” I know he knows differently by the way the corner of his lip quirks up as he teases me.
“That’s probably it.” More like amazed, or enraptured. I hear live artists singing at the bar downstairs almost every weekend, but it is never like hearing Ware sing. He wasn’t performing, or putting on a show. It was more like he was just letting his emotions come out through his voice, saying more than his words ever could. I feel safe, and cherished, and content. It makes no sense, but I’ve got no desire to question it tonight.
He gives me a knowing smile and I drop my head back against his chest. “Thanks,” I mumble against him.
“Don’t mention it. Sometimes we just need the connection of touching another human being. I think it’s ingrained in us from birth, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I say softly.
“I should probably head out to the couch though.” His voice is heavy with regret, and I wonder what’s going through his head. Does he regret comforting me, or does he regret not doing more?
My hand wraps around his arm, not wanting to let him go, but feeling silly at the thought of saying it. He seems to understand, and I don’t need to. We settle under the covers, curled tightly against each other and I fall asleep to the sound of Ware humming beside my ear.
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Kelly Walker is a YA and NA author of several romantic titles, including the Souls of the Stones Fantasy Romance series. She has an unhealthy appreciation for chocolate, and a soft spot for rescued animals. Her best lessons on writing came from a lifetime of reading. She loves the fantastical, and the magical, and believes a captivating romance can be the most realistic magic of all. Kelly, her husband and her two children share their Virginia home with three dogs who walk her, and two cats who permit her to occasionally share their couch.

For more information, please visit www.kellywalker.net



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No One's Surrender

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