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I Think About Your by KS Thomas #ContemporaryRomance OUT NOW #Giveaway


TITLE: I Think About You
AUTHOR: K.S. Thomas
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLICATION DATE: January 27, 2015
LENGTH: 50,000+ words
CONTENT WARNING: Adult Content - Language/Situations



One's dream can be a funny thing. A collection of random thoughts. A compilation of your deepest fears and desires. A sign?
Most days, Marissa leaves dream interpretation to the psychologists and psychics, but when her subconscious churns out a vision of her first love so real it jars her from her sleep, she can't help but wish she knew what it meant. Or at the very least, what the lingering feelings still present long after she's awake, mean.
Drew isn't looking for signs. Mostly, he's just trying to avoid them. Like the street sign that marks the turn to her old house. Or the stop sign at the edge of town, reminding him where he belongs and what else is out there. Her. Marissa. She's out there. But that doesn't matter anymore.


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Drew’s shoulders raised and his arms moved out ever so slightly, but he kept his hands safely tucked away in his pockets. “I'm glad you came over.”I wasn’t practicing the same restraint. I reached out and affectionately squeezed his arm. “Me too. I feel better having talked about some of this stuff.”
His eyes darted back and forth between my hand on him and my face. “Hey, you want to go sit out on the deck? It's nice out tonight.”
“Okay.” It was an abrupt change in topic, but maybe it was best not to dwell on the past any longer now that it had been resolved as much as it would probably ever be. Although it still left me with the lingering question, ‘Where did we go from here?’
I followed him out back to a huge deck furnished with a hammock and several chairs. I went straight for the hammock and climbed in while Drew pulled up one of the chairs to sit beside me.
“I can't believe you still have this thing. I used to love laying out here.” I swayed back and forth, completely cocooned in the softly weathered linen, staring out at the starlit sky.
Drew’s mouth gave way to his half-smile. “I remember.”
I kept swinging back and forth, feeling more content than I could remember feeling in a long time. “Drew. How come you never told me you bought that land?”
He exhaled loudly, leaning back in his seat and kicking out his legs. “I was going to. Just never got around to it, I guess. I mean, at first I was just going to see if the bank would even give me another loan since my dad had just helped me buy this place. I didn't really think they'd say yes, but they did.” He moved his hand in the air like he’d thought they were nuts. “So, I made an offer. I went pretty low and I never thought they'd accept.” His hand went up again, signaling another surprise. “But they did and, next thing I knew, we closed on it and I owned ten acres of pasture, complete with a fishing pond.”
“Why did you even want it?” He was on a roll already and I was determined to get him to spell out every last detail regarding the inner workings of his brain if I could.
Staring out into the night, a distant look came over his face, like he was remembering the whole thing. “When I saw the for sale sign it sort of set this crazy plan I had into motion.” He grinned. A dopey, happy grin. “I could just picture myself buying it and, when the time was right, taking you there, getting down on one knee.” He turned to face me. “You know the drill.”
I nearly flipped out of the hammock. “You were going to ask me to marry you?”
He nodded. Apparently he saw no reason to hold back anything at this point. “That was the plan.”




Lost Avalon

Save The Date

I Call Him Brady



Blood Bound

Lucky In Love

Getting Lucky

Country Girls

This Christmas

It's Kinda My Thing

Heroes To Swoon For

Secret Hudson


Dog Lover who likes her pastries full of cream and sugar….oh…and I write some ;-)
Aside from being an author, I am also a mom to a beautiful 5 year old little girl. I tell everyone I named her after my great-grandmother (because that’s the mature answer), but really, I named her after my favorite princess – just so happens I got lucky and they had the same name…If I wasn’t a writer, I would work on a horse ranch – I’m an animal lover (in addition to dogs, horses are at the top of my list). I wear flip-flops pretty much everywhere I go. I would rather stay awake until 5 am than get up at 5 am (years of bar tending have left their mark), if I can, I’m going to the beach AND I will always be nice to people who bring me chocolate…or coffee…if you bring me both, I’ll probably love you forever.A gypsy at heart, I write the way I live, following the story wherever it may lead, always ready to start the next one. This is clearly reflected in my body of work which to date includes everything from Children’s Lit to Thrillers.
I happily reside in sunny Florida (for now) and always enjoy hearing from fellow readers!!








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