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#NewRelease Lost And Found by Linnea Alexis @LinneaAlexis #paranormal #suspense

Lost And Found
Linnea Alexis
Decadent Publishing
Genre: Contemporary romance, paranormal, suspense, thriller, romantic comedy
Heat level: 3
Word count – 22k

After Haley Monroe’s estranged husband drops dead, she discovers he left her with a whole lot of debt and most of her family heirlooms missing. Too bad the only person who can help sort through the mess and clear her name is her late husband’s attorney…her only one-night stand and a man she never thought she’d see again.
Attorney Eli Libertini jumps at the chance to help Haley clear up the financial mess. He’d like nothing more than to reconnect with his hookup from spring break ten years ago—the woman he’s never been able to forget.
Thrown together in a dark fairytale adventure, the twosome uncovers a web of hidden heirlooms, ghostly encounters, and mysterious storage units about to be auctioned. They’ll have to forget the past in order to regain their shared passion and have a future.

“Haley. Haley Monroe,” a man shouted. His deep voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite recall where she’d heard it before. “Haley! Fancy meeting you here.”
Curious who had called her name, she turned to face the voice.
The man revealed himself. Eli Libertini—as in Libertini and Farthing—her husband’s lawyer. Eli was tall, dark, and ruthless. The armor on his knight’s costume shone like silver in the sunlight.
The man with him wore a monk’s robe. He stood nearly a half-foot shorter than Eli’s six-two and had at least twenty-five pounds of pure muscle on the lawyer.
If Eli hadn’t represented her husband during their bitter negotiations, she might consider him attractive. After all, she’d thought so ten years ago. And he hadn’t changed much during that time. He still wore his dark hair past his shoulders—shoulders much broader than she remembered. He’d even managed to grow taller and fill out very nicely, thank you very much.
But their heated exchange during the legal proceedings had left a hostile taste in her mouth. And nothing, not even his wide, single-dimpled smile, could erase the memory of the hurtful, untrue allegations he’d hurled at her.
“Fancy indeed,” she huffed.

Buy Links:
Decadent Publishing: http://bit.ly/1xuq7j2
All Romance eBooks: http://bit.ly/1HYikg5
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1B0SIyI

About the Author:
Linnea Alexis stopped stirring up trouble in the corporate world a few years ago and now satisfies her appetite for mayhem in the fictional world. When she isn’t working on one of her romances, she writes cozy horror stories. She can usually be found hanging out with her family in Southern California. She has published several short stories in various anthologies, and she’s an active member of Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America and O.C. Writers.

Author Links:
Website/Blog: http://linneaalexis.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LinneaAlexis (@LinneaAlexis)

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