DAWSK_Covert_Tagline_600pw Love at First Sound Cover600pw HCP eCover Final600pw Young black woman sitting surrounded by flowers BeMyValentine-Vol1_eCover600pw

A tragic accident changes everything. Bittersweet @friedgatortail #giveaway

GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLICATION DATE: February 21, 2015
COVER DESIGN: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design
LENGTH: 60,000+ words
CONTENT WARNING: Adult Content - Language/Situations
Bittersweet KS thomasFINAL-High
Esi is young, beautiful and smart. She's got it all...and then some, but it's not what you'd expect.
Seven years after fate has her colliding - literally - with the man of her dreams, the two finally find themselves walking down the aisle. The day couldn't be more perfect. For one shining moment in time, she has it all.
Then a tragic accident changes everything.
Getting married was supposed to be the final touch on their already blissful relationship, but after the car crash, nothing seems right anymore. Soon after they get home from the hospital, Esi discovers she's pregnant. However, after the extensive damages her heart has endured from the night of the traumatic wreck, this miracle of life brings with it the reality of death.
Now Esi and Carter both have to face facts. Someone might not survive.
While ever after may not be as happy as Esi has always hoped, she's learning to appreciate the beauty in strength and surviving, and finding that love, no matter how true or how complete, sometimes is simply 'bittersweet'.
Beautiful wedding couple is enjoying weddingThe reception goes on until late into the evening, and even after the last of our friends and family leaves, Carter and I stand out in that field, slow dancing to the sounds of quiet wind rustling the leaves and brushing across the overgrown grass.
“I don’t want tonight to ever end,” I whisper into the curve of his neck. It’s my favorite place because it fits my face perfectly and I can inhale his amazing scent to my heart’s desire. Carter always smells of Irish Spring soap, citrus and, because he’s a chronic gum chewer, fresh mint. I can’t imagine anything else ever being a more enticing combination of scents.
He chuckles softly, and the rumble in his throat vibrates against my cheek. “You do realize we’ll still be married in the morning, don’t you?” But he makes no efforts to break the hold he has on me, or to stop our bodies from swaying back and forth ever so gently.
“I do. But it won’t be our wedding day anymore. I won’t be a bride. You won’t be a groom. And most importantly, once I take off this dress, I won’t ever get a chance to wear again.” My head pops up involuntarily when I’m hit by a stroke of genius. “Oh, unless we agree right now to renew our vows every year. I’m not saying we have to have a whole wedding, just as long as I can wear this dress and listen to you make your vows again. That’s really all I’d need.”
He grins. “That’s all, huh?”
“Too much? Too crazy?” I muse.
Carter kisses my forehead, then the tip of my nose. He’s aiming for my lips when he answers, “No such thing.”
Both arms wrap securely around his neck and I lean back, letting the sensation of Carter’s lips on mine take over my entire physical being. He has the kind of kiss a girl could drown in, and I can’t help but think how lucky I am, to never be kissed by any other man for as long as I live.
“Think anyone else is as happy as we are?” I mumble, his mouth still on mine.
“I hope so.” His hazel eyes open and he gazes down at me. I’ve never once been able to say no to them in seven years. “You ready to get out of here?”
I lock my arms tighter, securing him in my hold a moment longer. “I don’t know. Do you promise to marry me all over again next year?”
His expression is serious as he comes in closer again, but his eyes are smiling, lights from the stars reflecting in them, dancing wildly. “I already said I would.”
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Additional Books

Salty ~ Drive ~ Blood Bound ~ Lucky In Love

Getting Lucky ~ Country Girls ~ This Christmas

It's Kinda My Thing ~ Heroes To Swoon For

Secret Hudson ~ I Think About You

About Author
Dog Lover who likes her pastries full of cream and sugar….oh…and I write some ;-)
Aside from being an author, I am also a mom to a beautiful 5 year old little girl. I tell everyone I named her after my great-grandmother (because that’s the mature answer), but really, I named her after my favorite princess – just so happens I got lucky and they had the same name…If I wasn’t a writer, I would work on a horse ranch – I’m an animal lover (in addition to dogs, horses are at the top of my list). I wear flip-flops pretty much everywhere I go. I would rather stay awake until 5 am than get up at 5 am (years of bar tending have left their mark), if I can, I’m going to the beach AND I will always be nice to people who bring me chocolate…or coffee…if you bring me both, I’ll probably love you forever.A gypsy at heart, I write the way I live, following the story wherever it may lead, always ready to start the next one. This is clearly reflected in my body of work which to date includes everything from Children’s Lit to Thrillers.
I happily reside in sunny Florida (for now) and always enjoy hearing from fellow readers!!
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