DAWSK_Covert_Tagline_600pw Love at First Sound Cover600pw HCP eCover Final600pw Young black woman sitting surrounded by flowers BeMyValentine-Vol1_eCover600pw

#CoverReveal Music Ink and Love by JudeOuvrard @JudeOuvrard

"Drama, true love, and tattoos...and everything in between!"
Cover Designer: K23 Photography and Design


Levi Munroe’s life consists of his friends Tyler and Kyle, a lot of ink and having a good time, but most importantly, his heart only has one reason to beat. Nix.
Phoenix Silverstone came into his life and put him through an emotional roller coaster. No one knows what they sign up for when they fall in love, and Levi is no exception. Dealing with his girlfriend’s negligent biological father, and her old demons returning to tempt her, Levi has way more on his plate than he bargained for. It can break them or make them stronger.
Both getting to know each other more, they fall deeper in love and are ready to take on the next step. With their wedding approaching, Levi wants what is best for her. A time apart turns out to be exactly what Nix needs but in Levi’s world, it means moping around missing the girl of his dreams.
More love, more ink, more Kyle and definitely a whole lot more of Levi. Can Nix and Levi survive the reality of their life together or will it break them apart?


t1The night was young and Tyler asked me to stop by the club. I knew I was going to see her and I thought tonight would be the perfect moment to talk to her. For some reason, the idea of interacting with her made me nervous. My whole body transformed into a whirlwind of anxiety and excitement. There was a possibility that she would reject me but I had my ways of seducing a woman. I was going to give everything I had.
The music of the club was so loud that I could hear everything from my car. My hands were moist and trembling. I had never reacted this way for a girl, not even for a first date. This woman had gotten under my skin. As soon as I was inside, my eyes immediately searched for her and she was looking at me as Tyler welcomed me in. I could see the surprise in her eyes. Tyler wanted to talk about some legal questions he had. I was his unofficial lawyer, free of charge. Working in a firm wasn’t my thing, but I still got a kick out of helping and sharing my knowledge.
All this talking had taken time away from my plan to speak with her. I watched her for a couple of minutes and she seemed to be having a great time. Her smile, her eyes and her sex appeal, I liked everything about her.
''Can I get you anything?'' she asked, taking the mess off the counter. I hesitated. Do I ask for a drink or not? Do I ask her out? No, no that’s too soon. If I do that, I’ll just scare her away.
''A smile. Give me one and I guarantee you’ll get the biggest tip tonight.'' Really, Levi? That’s all you got?
''You don’t want a drink? How about some water??'' She blushed. My words had surprised her, but she kept on rolling with her job. She was good at controlling her emotions but I knew there was something there.
''No, just a smile. You're the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’d be satisfied with a smile.'' I ran my hand through my hair getting nervous about what her reaction would be to this.
She didn’t say anything back but she gave me a smile. Not just a tiny one, a freaking loving smile. Fuck, that girl was beautiful. Her name tag said Phoenix, and I was thankful that I had the time to look before leaving. I didn’t want to stay longer. My goal was to leave her questioning herself. Walking away now seemed like the best idea.
''Thank you, Princess. You just made my night.'' I said over my shoulder.
Her eyes burned holes into my shirt and my heart threatened to escape from my ribcage. The sound of her voice resonated into my mind and the sight of her beautiful lips haunted my mind.Phoenix didn’t know it yet but soon, she would be mine.

t2Additional Books


About Author

Jude Ouvrard is an author who writes from the heart, and reads with passion and devotion. Jude enjoys stories of drama, true love, tattoos, and everything in between. While writing is her therapy, reading is her solace. Life doesn't get better than books and chocolate, and maybe a little bit of shopping.
A romance lover, Jude writes about love, pain, heartbreak and matters that will challenge your heart. A book can tell an unexpected story, no matter which directions it takes. Jude embraces words that have haunted her for years.
Jude is a working mom who dedicates her time to a law firm and writing books. She has an energetic five-year old superhero son, and a supportive boyfriend of thirteen years. Her family is her rock; she could not survive without them. Born a country girl, she transformed into a city woman who now lives in Montreal, Canada. Although French is her first language, Jude decided to write in English because she liked the challenge.
Jude Ouvrard is the author of two novellas, "Under the Sun" and "Wonderland", and three novels, “Lost Dreams”, “Body, Ink, and Soul,” and “Ophelia.” She is currently working on sequels to her novels and a new project.

Author Links

There are many ways of stalking and following Jude. She's always accepting new friends on FACEBOOK. She loves receiving new followers on her FACEBOOK PAGE. Jude is active in supporting other authors on her BLOG. Sign up for her newsletter and see what's happening when it happens. Her AMAZON page is full of reviews of all her books and her GOODREADS page is consistently being added to TBR lists.


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Music Ink and Love

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