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Infinite Completion by Michelle Dennis @wolfbaene #ContemporaryRomance @MoBPromo

Name of Editor – Pedantic Punctuator
Name of cover designer – Najla Quamber Designs
Page # – 240 pages
Official genre of book – Contemporary Romance
ic Synopsis   Abbie Bennet is a twenty year old bookworm who considers herself well-balanced and sensible. Her heart and intuition agree on most things and she has no intention of upsetting this for anyone. When she ventures out of her comfort zone to join her friends at a local bar, her balance is knocked way off course by a stranger who is everything her mother, and intuition, have warned her about. Book Links

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Phillip takes Sarah’s hand and leads her through the crowd toward the bar.
‘So, I guess the lead singer is the band manager too? Abbie, go and ask him for his card,’ Ethan gestures at him, the man who made my knees turn to jelly.
‘Um, no, not me... you go,’ I shout quite loudly. I have a lump in my throat. I can’t talk to him.
‘You’re closer, just go and get a business card,’ Ethan says, as he turns his back to me and continues canoodling with Hannah. I sigh and turn to the bar. Here goes.
‘Um, excuse me!’ I say, as loudly as possible over the thumping of the music. He doesn’t seem to hear me. I touch him on the shoulder lightly. His skin is hot through the dampness of his t-shirt. I pull my hand back quickly when he turns.
He smirks and shows his perfect white teeth. ‘It’s okay, I don’t bite,’ he shouts out over the music.
I step back a little and he moves toward me.
He bends toward my ear. ‘Do you wanna dance?’ he says loudly.
Instinctively, I move back again, bumping up against another girl. ‘Oh, um, no thanks. Your friend said you may have a business card?’
He lifts an eyebrow and continues standing way too close. He looks a little confused. I assume he doesn’t get turned down very often.
He leans towards me again and says, ‘You might like it.’ I feel my cheeks burn and when I glance at him as I move away, I notice him looking at my neck.
Stepping back, I clear my throat to make sure my voice works and shout over the music, ‘I don’t think so.’
He moves closer again and I feel my heart jolt. ‘You looked like you were enjoying yourself before.’ He’s grinning and looking me over. ‘I promise to be gentle.’
‘I, well, no thanks, I’ve had enough for one night.’ Did I just say that? I sound like my mother.
‘Okay,’ he shrugs, ‘your call.’ He glances around and leans against the bar, his shirt stretching across his chest. ‘What can I do for you?’
I must look a little confused or dazed, or something. I’m trying to place his very slight accent. Irish? But, he looks Greek. I gulp and try to sound calm. ‘My friends and I would like to book your band for a party.’ A smile plays on his lips and I can see he’s watching my mouth as I speak.
‘Sure, but I don’t have any business cards available.’ He turns away from me to ask the attractive girl behind the bar something and she quickly hands him a pen. I notice the gleam in her eye and feel an unexpected pang of jealously. Then he writes on a napkin and hands it to me. ‘Here’s my number.’
‘Er thanks...’ This is my comeback? Absolutely no grace and now he probably thinks he’s made my heart flutter.
I push my way through the crowd and back to the safety of my friends. Shoving the napkin into Ethan’s shirt pocket, I try to look unflustered, because there’s no way I’m calling this guy.
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About Author
Michelle Dennis lives in Perth, Western Australia; she has always loved reading and in the past few years this love has expanded into creating her own written words and worlds.
Michelle has a love of medieval and fantasy creatures, and her first book, Wolfbaene, revolved around this theme and brought the world of knights, castles and dragons to children around the world.
Michelle is a devoted wife and mother, and fits her writing schedule in around her busy lifestyle. She is currently working on a sequel to Wolfbaene, and when she's not in the world of dragons and other mythical beings, she can be found listening attentively to the other characters in her head, who are shouting for her attention because they want their own stories to be told.
Michelle shares her home with a very mature Dachshund named Phoebe Rose, a whole pile of cats who are under the impression they are the owners of Michelle's home, and one small rabbit who is under the impression he's a cat.
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