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When real life doesn't quite cut it. A Trip Down Reality Lane @ianthomasmalone #giveaway

Title: A Trip Down Reality Lane
Author: Ian Thomas Malone
Genre: New Adult, Psychedelic Coming of Age Story
Release Date: February 24, 2015
Published by: Limitless Publishing

College life can be tough...

For a junior pursuing a degree in English with no plans for his future, living in the present is far better than the alternative.

One morning he wakes up and embarks on an acid trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts with two of his friends.

A step outside reality might be the best way to come back down to earth...

Along the way, the three friends discover what matters most to them, and more importantly, that life is not so much about answers as it is about the exploration of the questions.

When the real world doesn't quite cut it,
take a journey down the rabbit hole

The bathroom shouldn’t have become a part of the adventure. It’s not like you forget how to do absolutely everything when you’re tripping. But this was a modern bathroom, which was fitting given the part of the museum it was in. This wouldn’t have been a problem for most people, but the modernity of the bathroom created an issue for James and me.

Taking care of business wasn’t the issue, thankfully. We ran into trouble when the time came to wash our hands. But even stoned people care about hygiene. The faucets looked like they were from an episode of Star Trek. There was no sign of the little black sensor that you usually put your hands under to start the faucet. I waved my hands under the faucet a solid ten times with no luck.

James’ luck was no better than my own. “I can’t get this damn thing to work,” he said. “This faucet is broken.” I wasn’t willing to give up.

“We’re not doing it right. Let’s try it together,” I suggested, and I moved over to his faucet. We waved all four of our hands in every position under and over the faucet, to no avail. Two college students who can’t even tag-team a faucet was about as demoralizing as it gets. My feelings of self-confidence about the future were in serious doubt. What could the future possibly hold for a man who cannot make water come out of a sink?
Ian Thomas Malone is an author and a yogi from Greenwich, CT. He is a graduate of Boston College, where he founded The Rock at Boston College. He is the grandson of noted Sherlockian scholar Colonel John Linsenmeyer. Ian has published thousands of articles on diverse subjects such as popular culture, baseball, and social commentary. His favorite things to post on social media are pictures of his golden retriever Georgie and his collection of stuffed animals.

Ian believes firmly that “there’s more to life than books you know, but not much more,” a quote from his hero Morrissey. When he’s not reading, writing, or teaching yoga, he can probably be found in a pool playing water polo. He aspires to move to the Hundred Acre Wood someday, though he hopes it has wi-fi by then.


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