Whisk Me Up by +Zee Monodee
Havisham Park, Book 1
Small-town contemporary Romance set in Yorkshire, England
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After fainting backstage at a fashion week, supermodel Mary Beth Beresford is forced to go into hiding in the sleepy North Yorkshire village of Stonydale in Havisham Park when her sisters kidnap her and bring her there to their late father’s family stronghold so she’ll face the truth - she is anorexic.
Never one to be bossed around, Mary Beth attempts to break out the very next morning...only to land onto the path of the gorgeous, Viking-like pub owner and chef, Niall Barry.
Suddenly, sticking around in this one-horse town doesn’t look like Purgatory anymore.
But Niall is a very private person who shies away from celebrity, and Mary Beth is one of the biggest celebs on the planet. Not to mention that she is an aristocrat - daughter of the late earl and member of the peerage - while he is simply a working-class chef.
Is any relationship between them doomed to collapse like a failed soufflé?
Maya's Review
I'm so used to reading romantic thrillers from this author, it was quite a change to read this new contemporary romance from her as she takes away from the fast-paced glamourous espionage lifestyle across European cities to a slower-drawn soap opera-type small town drama in the Yorkshire Dales.
As an opener for the series, I did like Niall. He was an immediate hero with his attraction to 'strays' as he liked to put it. I enjoyed his tug-of-war like banter with Mary Beth when he rescues her from a near collapse. On the flipside it took me a little longer to warm up to Mary Beth.
The conflict was spot on, a war of the classes, one might say. The chemistry between them was more a slow burn than an instant spark but these two had a lot to work through, so it made sense.
My issue with this read was the phonetically written regional English pronunciations. Tell me someone has a Yorkshire or a Southern-American accent and I can hear his/her accent in my head as I read. But write the words out in phonics instead of English, and I'm having to say the words in my head and then try to translate the meanings. I found this distracting.
That aside, this is still an enjoyable read. The characters are well rounded, albeit flawed. The descriptions of Yorkshire are beautiful and makes me want to visit. It was good to see these two get their happy ever after. If you're a fan of regional British drama, then you'll love this one.
Amazon US http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WCT6Y7K
Barnes & Noble
(Nook) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/whisk-me-up-zee-monodee/1121820571?ean=2940151889988
Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/536587
AllRomance Ebooks https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-whiskmeupahavishamparksmalltowncontemporaryromancesetinyorkshireengland-1785430-149.html
Something about this lass
didn’t add up.
She jerked in his arms, and
clamped her lips shut before pressing a hand to her mouth. A garbled sound came
from her throat and her skin paled, beads of sweat erupting at her temples.
He grabbed her shoulders; to
steady her or to keep her in place, he knew not.
“Are you sick? Is it your
blood sugar, if you’re diabetic?”
She struck him as much too
young for diabetes, but stranger things happened in the world.
“Fine,” she bit out behind her
hand and shook her head, sending her ponytail flying.
Early twenties, he’d say.
Still a girl. Off-limits for him, being on the wrong side of thirty. He
released her.
“You’re not fine.” Could he
have growled more if he’d wanted?
She bristled and shrugged away
from his touch. “And you’re not my keeper.”
This scrap of a lass wanted to
take him on?
Niall drew to his six-five
height and towered over her. You could put two like her side-to-side and only then
would she match him somewhat in width.
But she poked that pointed
chin out and stared him down, even if she appeared on the brink of collapse.
“The saying is, ‘you’re not my
mother’,” he threw out in a bid to unsettle her.
She snorted. “Like she ever cared.”
Late teen/young adult
rebellion? Hence the druggie route?
“Well, you’re in my place, and
under my roof, you do as I say.”
“But of course, if you say so,
Bit of a smart mouth, ain’t
she? With his build, blond hair, and Viking ancestry, he’d been compared to the
Norse god many a time.
Then her eyes rolled back, and
she slumped.
Hell fire! “Calling the
He picked her up again and
brought her to the back, into the office, where he lay her down on the worn
“Listen, lass. You almost
passed out three times in the past quarter hour—”
“I told you I’m not sick. I
came out for a run but got lost and been out longer than I planned.”
“And you set out on an empty
stomach, I bet.” Where that certitude came from, he knew not.
“I had a protein shake, okay?”
She had the gall to glare at him.
He leaned down and peered into
her face. “Don’ cut it with me. You’d need to run mile afore that worked off.
Hardly in sweat, are you?”
Fire flashed in her gaze, and
she pursed her lips as if to refrain from cursing him, or worse, spitting into
his face.
“Stay put,” he ordered as he
dashed out of the room and into the kitchen across the corridor. From the oven,
he pulled a dish of leftover shepherd’s pie he’d heated up for Anna. Lord knew
the woman never remembered to eat. Anorexic at her age; he snorted.
Eeh bah gum. The lass back there? Way too thin. She probably
hardly ate a thing.
“Where are you off to?” he
barked from the kitchen doorway.
She froze in the corridor. “On
my way out.”
“Not afore you eaten summa’.”
“Gosh dang! Ya never let up,
Author, editor, smitten wife, in-over-her-head mum to a tween boy,
best-buddy stepmum to a teenage lad, bookaholic, lover of all things fluffy
& pink, chronic shoeholic, incompetent housewife desperate to channel
Nigella Lawson (and who’ll prolly always fail at making domestic goddess
Zee hails from the multicultural, rainbow-nation island of
Mauritius, in the southern Indian Ocean, where she grew up on the figurative
fence—one side had her ancestors’ Indian and Muslim culture; the other had
modernity and the global village. When one day she realised she could dip her
toes into both sides without losing her integrity, she found her identity.
This quest for ‘finding your place’ is what she attempts to bring
in all her stories, across all the genres she writes. Her heroines represent
today’s women trying to reconcile love, life, & relationships in a
melting pot of cultures, while her heroes are Alpha men who often get put back
into their rightful place by the headstrong women she writes. Love is always a
winner in her stories, though; that’s a given.
**Friend her on Facebook (she loves to make friends & meet
new people!) https://www.facebook.com/#!/zee.monodee
**Email her at this addy (she loves to talk...prolly too much,
even!) zeemonodee@gmail.com
Zee is giving one lucky commenter the chance to name a character in her next book of the series. Just leave a comment on the post and complete the rafflecopter for your chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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